Metal Gear Solid: The Complete Guide

On newsstands right now is PlayStation: The Official Magazine’s Metal Gear Solid: The Complete Guide.

So many times before, I have been duped by the hype of a game or console, into purchasing a “launch guide” or and “all you need to know about (insert game/console here)”.   I always finish reading the publication with a poor taste in my mouth.  Nothing but recapped articles from previous issues, and pages upon pages of already seen screenshots.

Well I am here to tell you that this one is different.

Sure it has some of the aforementioned “previous articles”, it even has some old interviews with Hideo Kojima.  But its the new editorial content, mixed in with detailing the MGS time line and characters that truly set this publication aside from the rest.

Some of the more original content features stories about Johnny Sasaki, Rose, and Raiden.

The Complete Guide is just that.  It recaps the whole Metal Gear Series, all the characters, all the sequels, all the spin offs, all the emotions, all the thoughts provoked while playing these masterpieces.

The Metal Gear Saga DVD Vol 2. did a good job of briefly recapping the series, and providing quick backgrounds to some of the characters, and plot.  However if you are looking for a more detailed version of that, then surely you should pick up this guide.  In fact, if you cannot find it…. hunt it down.


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