Written by Sev1512 
We all thought the long wait for more Pain content was coming to an end September 4th, but alas, Travis Williams posted today that Pain Amusement Part will not be arriving on the planned date. On a better note, he also listed Pain’s Trophies, which you can read after the jump.
The Bad News
Amusement Park will release in September, but not 9-4 like we originally planned. The reason for this delay was at least in part due to our retooling the PlayStation®Network trophies.
The Good NewsWhen I posted the trophies on the Official Blog there was a fair amount of hoopla about the difficulty of the trophies. The hoopla over them caused us to change one trophy immediately (Harder Dicks Balls) from Bronze to Silver. Then we went about making the final version.
While we were testing it became apparent to quite a few people that although the trophies were achievable they began to resemble the tedious level grinds in MMOs and not the spoils for being good (or experienced) at PAIN. So that 5th C was staring me in the face again.
See Travis, they told you this on the blog. Whatcha gonna do?
So when you tell people that you listen to them, you need to try to mean it.
So we thought rather than making people play PAIN for the trophies, it might be a better idea to let people play PAIN because it’s REALLY FUN and let the earned trophies come from that experience. If you collect the majority of these trophies in PAIN there is no doubt you know how to play well and that’s more important than you spending your life playing PAIN. That’s my job. You’re supposed to be having fun.
What follows are the brand new trophy requirements for Downtown and the Amusement Park. Adjusted for “normal” PAIN players and not all the mutants that are on the top 10 list.
Pain PlayStation Network Trophies List:
- King of Pain: Get All Downtown Trophies plus Trill and Grenade-a-Maid
- Affliction Addiction: Get One 100 Million Points in Downtown (Change from 1 Billion)
- Harder Dick’s Balls: Get all of Dicks Balls in the Block Party Dumpster w/o reset
- Rodeo Clown: Use Ed to Explode 500 barrels in Clown Toss (Change from 5,000)
- Ninja pwn: Hit the Target Stuffed Ninja in every Amusement Park Mode
- 2 Mill Club: Get “Pain in the Park” and “D-Town Destruction” (Change from 10 Mil)
- Trill: Get Painful Bullseye Trophy with Scurv Dogg or Hung Lo add-on characters (Instead of Tosser)
- Dude Abides: Use “The Dude” to score 30 Strikes in Bowling (Change from 50 Strikes)
- D-Town Destruction: Get 2,000,000 score in Paindemonium and Aftermath (Change from 10 million)
- Pain in the Park: Get 2,000,000 score in Abusement and After Hours (Change from 10 million)
- Combo Mambo: Get 15x Combo in Paindemonium, Aftermath, Block Party, Demolition (Change from 20x)
- Horsin’ a Clown: Take the Clown for a ride on the Roller Coaster
- Glutton: Make 30 “Eat It!” shots in “Call da Shot”
- Constipated: Get 100 Strikes in Bowling (Change from 250 Strikes)
- Pain and Mane: Play 100 Games of Trauma or Horse
- Attention Spam: Get every type of PAIN (Groin, Head, Arm, Hand, Leg, Foot and Body) combo in Paindemonium, Aftermath, Block Party, Demolition.
- Grenade-a-Maid: Get Exploded 200 times with any female launchable add-on character*(Change from 500 times)