Rumored PS Store Content for 10/23/08

Written by Sev1512 Weekly Rumored PS Store Content Weekly Rumored PS Store Content

This week we have what’s shaping up to be a great week with some exciting content.  The remake of the original Prince of Persia is dropping this week, as well as Penny Arcade Adventures.  Also for the stiff price of $4.99 you can download Yoda for Soul Calibur IV.

Penny Arcade Adventures

Prince of Persia Classic

Soul Calibur IV Yoda DLC

Rock Band DLC – Nirvana

  • “Breed” by Nirvana
  • “Lounge Act” by Nirvana
  • “On a Plain” by Nirvana
  • “Poll” by Nirvana
  • “Something in the Way” by Nirvana
  • “Stay Away” by Nirvana
  • “Territorial Pissings” by Nirvana

That is what is confirmed, hit the jump for the rumored stuff…

Soldner X

Megaman 9 DLC

Buzz! Quiz TV Comedy Pack

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