R.I.P. Electronic Gaming Monthly

Written by Sev1512 sev1512-48
R.I.P. Old Friend
R.I.P. Old Friend

When a friend or family member passes on, we pay our respects.

Electronic Gaming Monthly has been a part of my life now since 1989, so the news of EGM closing its doors for good has me feeling a deep loss.

I have been an on-and-off subscriber since 1989 (when I was just 7 years old).  Even when I wasn’t subscribed, I would purchase every issue at the newsstand.  I was such a fan, I even had a subscription to EGM2.  Years of reading Shane, Sushi-X, Quartermann, etc., all gone.

EGM started the Video Game April Fool’s joke, with its Sheng Long hoax.  Another memorable April Fools joke was unlocking Nimbus in the original Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis, which I literally spent days trying to unlock before my next issue came, and I realized I’d been had.  The April Fool’s joke is just one of the many ways EGM has entertained me over the years.

Nimbus Terrafaux
Nimbus Terrafaux

EGM magazine has helped me choose the games I would purchase for most of my gaming lifetime.  Quartermann’s rumors is what inspired me to get into “insider info” and leaks.  Basically what I am saying, is aside from actual games and consoles, nothing else that has to do with gaming has affected me as much as Electronic Gaming Monthly.

So here I am, paying my respects to an old friend.

Goodbye EGM, thanks for all you have given me over the years.  I will miss you.

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