Written by BigPete7978 ![](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/da46a4af3414269cd2f1d30786956f68?s=48&d=)
Well after about a week and a half of solid work and coding I finally got every post moved over to the old forums. During that time I also go the old forums back to be structured correctly. All in all we didn’t lose really anything. So now both forums are combined, and we have over 15,000 posts total. Also we have over 300 members as well.
There are a few side notes. If you were not a member of the old forums and joined the agora forums I had to recreate your account. You didn’t lose any posts or anything. Your email and screenname are the same, but your password is set as your screenname. If you have any trouble at all please contact me at BigPete7978@playstationlifestyle.net. I would be more than happy to help you through the process. Also if you are not sure if you are on the list of people then please contact me to verify.
Anyways if you haven’t joined up yet what is stopping you? We have a great community over at the forums.