Trophy Guide – The Lord of the Rings: Conquest

lotr_c_trophyLord of the Rings: Conquest was released early last month. It is your typical hack and slash game, but it includes the cast and characters from Lord of the Rings.  If you ever played the Star Wars Battlefront games you pretty much know what you are getting with this game, you’ll fight in classic battles with the Hero’s and Villains from the movies.

It comes full of 48 Trophies; 1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 13 Silver and 32 Bronze.  Most of these Trophies are easy to come by with the exception of a few online one’s, but with help even these can be completed in roughly 2 days.

One Trophy to Rule Them All (Platinum): Earn all Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies in The Lord of the Rings: Conquest

– Earn all 47 other Trophies.

Battle of Helm’s Deep (Bronze): Complete the Helm’s Deep level in the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the Helm’s Deep level on any difficulty setting.

Conquer over Isengard (Bronze): Complete the Isengard level in the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the Isngard level on any difficulty setting.

The Mines of Moria (Bronze): Complete the Mines of Moria level in the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the Mines of Moria level on any difficulty setting.

Siege of Minas Tirith (Bronze): Complete the Minas Tirith level in the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the Minas Tirith level on any difficulty setting.

Battle of Pelennor Fields (Bronze): Complete the Pelennor Fields level in the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the Pelennor Fields level on any difficulty setting.

Assault on Osgiliath (Bronze): Complete the Osgiliath level in the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the Osgiliath level on any difficulty setting.

Assault on Minas Morgul (Bronze): Complete the Minas Morgul level in the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the Minas Morgul level on any difficulty setting.

All’s Well as Ends Better (Gold): Complete the single player “War of the Ring” Campaign.

– Complete the entire War of the Ring campaign on any difficulty setting.

Assault on Mount Doom (Bronze): Complete the Mount Doom level in the single player “Rise of Sauron” Campaign.

– Complete the Mount Doom level on any difficulty setting.

Siege of Osgiliath (Bronze): Complete the Osgiliath level in the single player “Rise of Sauron” Campaign.

– Complete the Osgiliath level on any difficulty setting.

Fall of Minas Tirith (Bronze): Complete the Minas Tirith level in the single player “Rise of Sauron” Campaign.

– Complete the Minas Tirith level on any difficulty setting.

Battle of Weathertop (Bronze): Complete the Weathertop level in the single player “Rise of Sauron” Campaign.

– Complete the Weathertop level on any difficulty setting.

Siege of Moria (Bronze): Complete the Mines of Moria level in the single player “Rise of Sauron” Campaign.

– Complete the Mines of Moria level on any difficulty

Razing of Rivendell (Bronze): Complete the Rivendell level in the single player “Rise of Sauron” Campaign.

– Complete the Rivendell level on any difficulty setting.

The Land of Shadow (Gold): Complete the single player “Rise of Sauron” Campaign.

– Complete the Rise of Sauron campaign on any difficulty setting.

Splintered Shields (Bronze): Kill 100 enemies in one life as the warrior.

– You must kill 100 enemy’s by any means with your warrior, it can be done in either campaign. There are 2 easy places to do this, the first is the Battle of Helms Deep which is the first level in the War of the Ring campaign or in the Shire which is the last level of the Rise of Sauron campaign. The hobbits don’t put up too much of a fight and as long as you avoid the Imps you should not have a problem.

Blade That Was Broken (Bronze): Score 30 hits on the combo counter as the warrior.

– This one can be tricky, you get combos for consecutive hits. The best way to get your combo up is to have a bunch of enemies around you and do your special moves (L1+ triangle, sqaure, or circle). Do a couple specials in a row and this should not be to tough.

Blademaster (Silver): Kill 25 players as the warrior in any ranked match.

– This needs to be done in a online ranked game. It does not need to be done in one life just in one round. Rounds only go to 50 so this can be pretty hard. Since you only need one other person to do this. The easiest way to get these is to get a friend join a game with 0 people and kill away.

Eagle Eyes (Bronze): Get 25 headshot kills in one life as the archer.

– This one can be done in either campaign. The only way to get a headshot is to zoom in and aim high. The hit mechanics are a little off so even if you aim above there head you generally will achieve a head shot. You will know you got a head shot when critical hit pop’s up onto the screen. Make sure you kill the enemies though, because it can sometimes take 2 – 3 shots to get a kill and it only counts deaths. And like the Splintered Shields trophy the shire is the best place to attempt this.

Rain of Fire (Bronze): Kill 25 enemies in one life with the archer’s fire arrows.

– The fire arrow can be equipped with the circle button as an archer. Most enemies only take one hit with this. This can be difficult since it take’s 10 – 20 seconds or so for you to regain the fire arrow ability, so you will find yourself running around waiting for your power up and then using it again. Best way to rack up kills is to wait for 2 or 3 to be around each other because there is a mini explosion that will take out a few at a time.

Marksman (Silver): Headshot kill 10 players as the archer in any ranked match.

– Get 10 headshots in a online ranked match. Zoom in and aim for the head. This can be done with just 2 players so get a friend and join a game with 0 people.

A Knife in the Dark (Bronze): Use the scout to backstab 10 enemies in one life.

– This one is pretty easy, all you have to do is use stealth mode to do a backstab. Run up behind a enemy and hit R1 while your in stealth. Again the shire is the best place for this since there are a ton of enemies, but any level will do. You will have to build up your special ability to use stealth, so you need to do other kills to build up your special. As long as you have a lot of your special build up these are quite easy.

Fire and Slaughter (Bronze): Kill 25 enemies in one life with the scout’s bombs.

– This trophy is similar to the fire arrow trophy. It is a special ability that takes 10 to 20 sec to recharge.  As the same way as the fire arrows, wait for 2 – 4 people to be around each other and then through a bomb. It will take them all out and make the trophy easier.  You can also use stealth so you can sneak up closer to enemies.

Assassin (Silver): Backstab 10 players as the scout in any ranked match.

-This is one of the easier online trophies. Since you can cloak and sneak up behind other players easily. You can still go for the easy way and get a buddy and join a game with 0 people.

House of Healing (Bronze): Heal 30 allies in one life as the mage.

– This ability is used my hitting L1 and like the other special abilities it takes some time to regenerate. To make this easier wait for a couple of your allies to be right around you then hit L1, this this will make it a lot quicker.

Flame of Anor (Bronze): Kill 100 enemies in one life with the mage’s fire wall.

– The fire wall is one of the best abilities in the game and you can take down a lot of enemies at once. It is used by hitting the circle button and you throw a fire ball that forms a circle on the ground. This ability will kill basically any enemy that it touches. So throw this into a crowd and you can achieve this rather quickly. It also takes some time to build up so be sure to use some other abilities to stay alive.

A Storm is Coming (Silver): Kill 15 players with the Mage’s lightning in any ranked match.

– Use the Mage’s lightning to kill 15 enemies. Like a lot of the online trophies the easiest way to get this trophy is to get one other friend and join a game with 0 people and then go for the kills.

Storm and the Lightning (Silver): Score the most points on the winning team in any ranked online match.

– Pretty self explanatory this can be done on any type of match(team deathmatch, conquest, capture, ect..). Just score the most points. Also can be done with just a friend in a empty room.

A Red Sun Rises (Silver): Kill 30 enemies in a ranked Team Deathmatch match.

– This is pretty tough since rounds only go to 50. Best way to do this get a buddy join a empty room and go for the kills.

Rings of Power (Silver): Capture 3 rings in a ranked Capture the Ring match.

– You need to capture the ring 3 times in a round. This is yet another tough online trophy. The match’s only go to 3 captures so joining a already full game is very tough. Again get a buddy, join an empty room and capture the ring 3 times.

Ride to Ruin (Silver): Capture 10 control points in ranked Conquest match.

– Conquest is like any other capture the zone match. You need to capture 10 of these. Now they do not need to be done in one match and you can recapture a zone after someone else has captured it. Get a buddy join a empty game and keep rotating between the 2 control points and this can be done in roughly 10 minutes. But out of all the online trophies this is one that can be easily done in a normal room.

Return of the King (Silver): Defeat 3 Nazgul as Aragorn in Minas Morgul (“War of the Ring” Campaign).

– On the Minas Morgul level when you run into the castle to destroy the 4 crystals  the Nazgul’s will attack you as well as other enemies. Kill 3 of those with Aragorn without dying. Just keep doing your specials and this will not be to rough.

You Have My Axe (Silver): Kill 20 enemies with Gimli in any Team Deathmatch game.

– Get 20 kills in any Team deathmatch ranked or not. Easiest way is to set up a friends game. Choose Hero Team Deathmatch, choose Gimli and go for the kills. There will be bots in there as well as your friends. Be sure to set kills to 100 since getting 20 out of the 50 kills can get rough at times.

You Have My Bow (Silver): Kill 20 enemies with Legolas in any Team Deathmatch game.

-Like with the Gimli 20 kills Trophy, this can be done on any Team Deathmatch ranked or not. Again choose friends game Hero Team Deathmatch to 100 kills.

I Will Take It (Silver): Capture a ring with Frodo in a ranked Capture the Ring match.

– The only way to get Frodo is to be on the Shire match capture the ring twice and then choose Frodo as your hero. This is one of the hardest trophies and using a friend on the empty map helps a lot. The only problem is you can not choose the Shire match usually. Most matches start on the Pelennor map and then it will take 3 more maps till you get to the Shire, so even if you try to get the empty room there will probably be a few other players in there by the time you get to the Shire. But keep at it and as long as you got a friend that will help keep anyone else from scoring you still can get this rather easily with help.

You Shall Not Pass! (Bronze): Defeat the Balrog as Gandalf in the Mines of Moria (“War of the Ring” Campaign).

– This can be done on any difficulty so choose casual. Right before you face the Balrog it will ask if you want to be a Hero. Select yes and choose Gandalf.  From there you need to defeat the Balrog without dying, because once you die you will not be able to choose Gandalf again and you will need to restart the level to get him. The best way to defeat the Balrog is hit him with lightning and the fire wall and be sure to keep your distance and use the pillars as a good barricade between you. Hit him a few times with your fire wall and the trophy will be yours.

No Living Man Am I (Bronze): Defeat the Witch King as Eowyn in Pelennor Fields (“War of the Ring” Campaign).

– Right before the Witch king spawns it will ask you to choose a Hero.  This is where you will get Eowyn. She has the same abilities as a scout. This is one of the harder trophies, because not only do you need to try and kill the Witch King you need to fight off other enemies. The Witch King is difficult even on the casual setting. The best way to kill him is hit him with a bomb knock him down and then run up to him and use your special skills. Then run and dodge.  Rinse and repeat.

Lord of Mordor (Bronze): Defeat Gandalf as Sauron in the Shire (“Rise of Sauron” Campaign).

– The shire is the last level of the Rise of Sauron. It takes awhile to get to Gandalf, but right before you get to him it will ask you to be a villain, select Sauron and defeat Gandalf without dying. The best way to do this is after you defeat Tree Beard as the Balrog and before you defeat the 50 hobbits to bring out Gandalf make sure you kill off all the other Imps. Even as Sauron the Imps will deliver a lot of damage. There are probably 5 or 6 of them, so use a wizard or the Balrog to catch them on fire. Once they are all defeated choose Sauron and kill off Gandalf. He is not too hard just be sure to dodge some of his specials. Hit him with a bunch of axes and use your specials to keep him on the ground.

Lord of the Nine Riders (Silver): Kill 10 players in one life as the Witch King in any ranked match.

– You need to do a Hero Deathmatch and then choose the Witch King. Then you need to get 10 kills without dying. Like every other online trophy the easiest way to get this trophy is with a friend in a empty room and keep killing your friend till you get 10 in a row.

Never Toss a Dwarf (Bronze): Defeat Gimli as the Balrog in the Mines of Moria (“Rise of Sauron” Campaign).

– At the end of the Mines of Moria you will have to beat Gimli. You will be prompted to become a villain, so choose the Balrog and defeat Gimli without dying. This one is pretty straight forward as the Balrog you should have very little issue in beating him in one life. Just keep using your special and you will kill him pretty quickly.

The Way of Pain (Bronze): Defeat Aragorn as Saruman in Weathertop (“Rise of Sauron” Campaign).

– This battle is one of the harder ones. Aragon is pretty tough, so make sure to keep your distance and if he does get close do you, use your special to knock him back. Keep hitting him with your lighting and fire wall and he should fall soon enough.

Stupid Hobbitses (Bronze): Kill 300 hobbits in the Shire in one playthrough (“Rise of Sauron” Campaign).

– This one is easy since the hobbits only take one hit and this does not need to be done in one life. The Shire is the last level in the Rise of Sauron campaign. You will be prompted to destroy 5 hobbits houses hold off destroying the houses and just run around and kill the hobbits. They will keep respawning as long as there houses are still standing. This will take 5 – 10 minutes to do. Once done continue destroying the houses.

Mithril Armor (bronze): Complete any campaign level without dying.

-Complete any level in either campaign with any character on any difficulty for this one. The Helms Deep level is the easiest one and is the first level on the War of the Ring campaign. You should have very little issue getting this one, just make sure to keep picking up the health the enemies drop.

Fellowship of the Ring (bronze): Complete a campaign level cooperatively.

– Get a buddy to do a co-op campaign with you online or split screen. Helms Deep is the easiest since it is the shortest, but any level will work.

Unfriendly Skies (bronze): Get picked up by a fell beast or eagle.

– You need to get picked up by either a fell beast or a eagle. There are only a few levels in the game where you can get this. In the Shire when Gandolf shows up there are eagles coming across the bridge and they will pick you up. In the Osgiliath level when your crossing the bridge there are fell beast swooping in just stand in their way and they will pick you up. In the Minas Tirith level on the Rise of Sauron campaign when your trying to defeat Frodo there will be some opportunities.

That Still Only Counts as One (Bronze): Climb and kill an Oliphaunt.

-The only place to do this is on the Pelennor level. You’ll be told to kill a Oliphaunt, run up to his leg, hit R1 and then there will be a button mini-game. Do the 3 button section mini games you will jump on the Oliphant’s head and kill it.

War of the Last Alliance (Bronze): Complete the training level.

– Complete the training level

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