ThreeSpeech’s Farewell Post


The site typically known as the unofficial Sony blog, ThreeSpeech, has made its final post before being converted over to the European PlayStation Blog:

“So, this is it everyone. Goodbye from Three Speech. Over the years (sniff) we published over 1,500 stories, and you lot left over 35,000 comments. Thank you all for sticking with us for so long. Thanks also for all your comments (both positive and negative), questions, suggestions for stories, news tips, solicited and unsolicited articles, friendly emails, photos, videos, tattoos and cakes. Further thanks to those of you with sites of your own who linked to us and let us link to you.

All is not lost, you still have your PS3s and PSPs to keep you busy. Also, remember that there’s an EU blog on the way – which is something you’ve been calling for for a long time on Three Speech, so it just goes to show that Sony were listening to us. Make sure that the community that grew around Three Speech carries on there and that you continue to tell SCEE what you think. The future address will be, but in the mean time check for regular updates.

Quick thanks to everyone who has been involved behind the scenes as well… The SCE UK PR, Andy, Paul, Jessica and David from Ramp/Crowd DNA. Our intrepid writers Keith Stuart, Steve Boxer, Keri Allan, Chris Burke, Jon Porter, Tom Eccles, Paul Clayton and many more. Pete for his tireless development and design work and Duncan and Alasdair for the hosting.

We’re off to dismantle the underground lair/hollowed-out volcano/space-station/submarine/haunted castle headquarters that this blog has been published from over the years, cover our tracks and vanish into the night. Love y’all…”

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