Trophy Guide – Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard


Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard has 51 trophies to collect.
(1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 9 Silver, 39 Bronze)


King of Hazard Land! (Platinum): Earn all Trophies in the game.  “You. Are. The. MAN! (Unless you are a lady.  In which case, I apologize.)”
-Unlock all the other trophies in the game.

It’s HAZARD TIME! (Bronze): Start your first game.  “Thanks for buying my game.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.  –Sincerely, Matt Hazard”
-Start up your first game.

Take 5. (Bronze): Pause the game for the first time.  “Hey…come back here and play!”
-Pause the game for the first time.

Straight-A Student (Bronze): Complete all of the in-game tutorials. “Like I had any choice…”
-Complete the in-game tutorials at the begining of the first level.

Hands-on Approach (Bronze): Defeat an enemy using melee combat.  “I don’t need a stinkin’ gun to deal with YOU!”
-Kill an enemy using melee attacks.

Eat FIST! (Bronze): Perform 10 single-hit melee kills.  “In Hazard Land, the hand can be used like a knife.”
-When you pick up a Hazard pickup that gives you one hit kills us melee on everyone in sight.  Kill ten enemies with one hit each to get the trophy.

Feeling Punchy (Silver): Defeat five enemies in a row using melee combat.  “Not as fast as shooting…but it sure is satisfying.”
-Kill 5 enemies in a row with melee atacks.  I wouls suggest going for this on the first level on the Minor Hazard difficulty.

Headache (Bronze): Score 20 headshots.  ” A shot in the head is worth two in the chest.”
-Kill 20 enemies with headshots.

Migraine (Bronze): Score 50 headshots.  “That’s using your head!”
-Kill 50 enemies with headshots.

Head of the Class (Silver): Score 100 headshots.  “Don’t lose your head!  Oh…too late.”
-Kill 100 enemies with headshots.

Better Than One (Silver): Score two headshots with one bullet.  “Eat lead…both of you!”
-I got this trophy by complete luck somewhere in the second level.  I you dont have it by then I would suggest going for it later in the game when you get to the zombies.  Just line up your shot and shoot them in the head.

Plink (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with the Hazard pistol.  “Frag you.”
-Kill 50 enemies with teh Hazard Pistol.

Pull! (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with the Sub-Machinegun.  “You would think this one would have been automatic.  Get it?  Automatic?  Nothing?”
-Kill 50 enemies with the Sub-Machinegun.

Russian Attack (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with the AK-47.  ” They might be socialists, but they make a pretty good gun.”
-Kill 50 Enemies with the AK-47.

Peekaboo…I shot You! (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with the Sniper Rifle.  “Zoom, pow!  Right to the moon.”
-Kill 50 enemies with the Sniper Rifle.

Blind Luck (Bronze): Kill 25 enemies using blind fire. “Sorry. Didn’t see you there.”
-While in cover aim at your enemies without using (L2) and shoot them with (R2).  Kill 25 enemies this way and the trophy is yours.

Second Amendment (Bronze): Kill at least one enemy with every available gun.  “The developers put all those guns in the game for a reason…”
-Kill at least on enemy with every gun in the game.

-.45 (starting gun for Level 1 / only seen on Level 1)
-9MM (Enemies use this on Level 1 / only seen on Level 1)
-Hazard Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-Mounted Sniper Rifle
-Water Pistol
-Water Sub-Machinegun
-Plasma Rifle
-Energy Pistol
-Six Shooter
-Grenade Launcher

Say “NO” to Pots (Bronze): Shoot 30 potted plants. “Look at ’em.  Just sittin’ there, bein’ all green and stuff.  They were askin’ for it!”
-In the first two rooms at the very begining of the second level you will see alot of potted plants.  Shoot all of them and either die or reload the level.  Rinse and repeat until the trophy unlocks.

Fire Hazard (Bronze): Shoot and destroy 30 fire extinguishers.  “Extinguishers.  They’re not just for fires anymore.”
-Destroy 30 fire extinguishers.  You should be able to get this by th eend of the game if you shoot every one you see.  If not just replay the first couple levels until you get it.

Uncovered (Bronze): Destroy 20 destructible cover objects.  ” I know it’s a waste of ammo…but I LOVE that de-rez effect!”
-Destroy 20 destructable cover objects.  Just shhot cover objects until the disappear.  Do this 20 times for the trophy.

Boom (Bronze): Blow up 50 explosive objects.  “Hey…I didn’t pay for ’em.  Why should I care?”
-Blow up 50 explosive objects.  If you don’t already have this by then you will be able to get it pretty easily near the end of the game.  There are explosive objects all over the place in the last couple levels.

No Pain, No Gain (Bronze): Kill an enemy with an explosive that also damages you.  “That’s gonna hurt me more than it hurts you.  Well…maybe not quite as much.”
-Lure an enemy near an explosive object  that you are standing near.  Shoot the object to blow it up.  It will kill the enemy while only wounding you.  If for some reason it does kill you it will still give you the trophy.

Maxx Karnage (Bronze): Collect 20 Hazard pickups.  “Maxx Karnage…sounds like a cool action hero name.”
-Collect 20 Hazard pickups.  These are the pickups that give you one hit kills.  You should have no trouble getting this by the end of the game.

Shield Master (Bronze): Collect 20 Master Shield pickups.  “Its not like I was afraid of dying…I just wanted the trophy!”
-Collect 20 Master Shield pickups.  These are the pickups that turn you invincible for awhile.  You may need to go back and replay a level or two to get this trophy.

Just a Flesh Wound (Silver): Complete a leval without dying.  “Eight million corpses in this level…and you’re not one of them.”
-Complete any level without dying.  I would recomend the first level on the Minor Hazard difficulty setting.  It just makes things easier.

Hazard Avoider (Bronze): Complete the game on the Minor Hazard difficulty setting.  “Sure you won…my GRANDMOTHER could win on Easy!”
-Complete the game on the Minor Hazard difficulty setting.

Pseudo-Hazard (Silver): Complete the game on the Major Hazard difficulty setting.  “Well…at least you didn’t have it set to Easy…”
-Complete the game on the Major Hazard difficulty setting.

Hazard Master (Gold): Complete the game on the Maximum Hazard difficulty setting.  “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”
-Complete the game on the Maximum Hazard difficulty setting.  You will either have to beat the game to unlock the Maximum Hazard difficulty or use the cheat code to unlock it.  The cheat code is entered at the difficulty selection screen.  The cod is: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right.

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Multiplayer Master! (Bronze): “What?  No multiplayer?  Well…not like we can take the trophy back NOW…”
-This is story related and will unlock after you beat the game.

…Where Credit is Due (Silver): Watch the credits from begining to end.  “Hey…aren’t they the guys who made Dead Head Fred?”
-Watch all of the credits at the end of the game.  You can also just go to “Credits” on the main menu to view th ecredits.

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Disco is Dead (Bronze): Defeat Sonny Tang.  “Sonny, YOUR ass is kicked!”
-Defeat the boss in the middle of the first level.

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Stung (Bronze): Defeat Sting Sniperscope.  “Your present ends now.”
-Defeat the boss at the end of the first level.

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Head Cheese (Bronze): Kill all enemies in the butcher shop with head shots.  “Nice shooting!  But it’s not like you’re PAYING for that ammo.  Feel free to use more.”
-In the second level kill all of the enemies in the first two rooms with headshots only.

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Meat Your Maker (Bronze): Destroy all of the meat in the Level 2 meat locker.  “Have a beef with the owner?  Steaking your claim?  Beating your…hey, I can go on all day.”
-In the second level you will go through two rooms with giant slabs of meat hanging from the cieling.  Shoot every slab of meat until no more pieces fall off. 

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Draw (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with the Duel-Wield Six-Shooters.  “Now all we need is the spaghetti…”
-Kill 50 enemies using the Duel-Wield Six-Shooters.

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Bedlam Basher (Bronze): Kill a bandit from behind with a melee attack.  “Good for you.  Coward.”
-The spot is in Level 2.  You’ll enter a hallway with 2 enemies and a bunch of black boxes/speakers.  Look into the next room.  Straight ahead of you will be a small fenced in area at the back of the room.  That is the spot you’re aiming for toward the end of this scenario.  Enter the room and head to the left.  A bandit will spawn in this fenced off area. I used a shotgun to take him in one shot.  Another will spawn to your right, so take him out.  Now 2 enemies will bust through the door on the right side of the room.  Once 1 of those are dead, another bandit will spawn on the same side of the room as the door they came from.  Take him out.  Hopefully you’ve left 1 regular enemy alive.  Now head for that fenced off area at the back of the room.  You want to face back toward the doorway that you enter through.  Now kill the last enemy.  A bandit will spawn in front of you facing away.  Quickly try to melee him from behind.  With any luck, you’ll get the trophy.  I was able to get this after about three tries.  Good luck!

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Dances With Guns (Bronze): Complete both nightclub encounters without any of the dance-bots being destroyed.  “Do dancing robots dream of disco sheep?”
-This area is in Level 2.  You’ll know it when there are robot dancers all over 2 different rooms on the ground floor.  I would suggest you do this on the Minor Hazard setting.  Make sure you are not in the line of sight of an enemy that puts one of the robots in danger.  Also, remember you have to complete BOTH encounters, not just the first.

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Russian to the Finish (Bronze): Defeat General Neutronov.  “From Hazard, With Love.”
-Defeat the boss at the end of level 2.

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Deja-Vu (Bronze): Defeat Sting Sniperscope again in Level 3.  “Your present ends now.  Again.”
-Defeat the boss at the end of the third level.

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Death Hazard (Bronze): Score 20 single-shot Zombie kills.  “Don’t these things usually hang out in shopping malls?”
-Kill 20 zombies with one shot each.  This can be done with a headshot using most of the more powerful guns.  You can also get a Hazard pickup and use any gun for a one hit kill.

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Housing Crisis (Bronze): Escape from Dexter’s mansion.  “I gotta get me a house like THAT!”
-Complete level 4.

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Pure Energy (Bronze): Kil 50 enemies with the Energy Pistol.  “Blaster?  I hardly know’er!”
-Kill 50 enemies with the Energy Pistol.

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Well, I Heard Them Scream (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with the Plasma Rifle.  “Plasma Rifles–they’re not just for Space Marines anymore.”
-Kill 50 enemies with the Plasma Rifle.

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Tramm Ride (Silver): Defeat the Tentacle Beast of Tramm.  “One-two shot right to the tenticles.”
-Defeat the boss at the end of level 5.

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Your Turn (Bronze): Defeat Altos Tratus.  “Forecast for the next level: no more clouds.”
-Defeat the boss at the end of level 6.

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Talk! (Bronze): “What do you mean the inerrogation feature was cut?!?  Here…just take the trophy.”
-This is story related and will pop up automatically near the end of the game.

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Deja-Vu (All Over Again) (Silver): Defeat Sting Sniperscope yet AGAIN on Level 7.  “I.  Have had.  Enough.  Of YOU!”
-Defeat the boss at the end of level 7.

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Observe the Grenade (Bronze): Kill 3 Tester employees with a single shot from the grenade launcher.  “Test the grenades: check!”
-Do this on the lowest difficulty.  The best place for this is the room right before the final boss.  You’ll come off an elevator and find a bookshelf in front of you in the room.  If you exit the elevator and hide behind the right wall, you can look left and see a hazard pickup.  Pick it up and take out the non-pink enemies.  I had a red and yellow.  Run around the bookshelf until you get all three pink testers together.  As soon as they are in a group blast them with the grenade launcher.  I actuall used three grenades and still got the trophy.  You can also do it during the final boss fight.  During phase 3 of the final fight, all that will spawn are testers.  It should be possible to get them to group close enough for the trophy.  I have not tried this method but it should work too.

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Beat the Snot out of  Wellesley with My Bare Hands (Silver): Defeat Wally Wellesley in the final boss battle.  “Like I said…”
-Beat the final boss.

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Meet Quentin. (Gold): Meet Quintin.  “DUDE!!!!!”
-This is story related and will unlock at the end of the game before the credits roll.


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