Another Side of Cuboid Coming in June; EU Gets it Today

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Cuboid will be getting even better come June 11 when the booster pack is made available on the PlayStation Network.  The Booster Pack will feature 33 new levels of mind bending puzzles, and of course more trophies for you to unlock.

The Level Editor gives players the opportunity to create levels from scratch, improve upon existing levels, even give other user created levels a rearranging to better suit your creative vision.  User created levels can be submitted to the PSN for other players to enjoy.

Custom music will also be made available via a patch that will be made available sometime before the booster pack hits the PlayStation Store.


Speaking with Michael Robinson, Director of Communications for Creat Studios he confirmed that the Cuboid Booster Pack, and Level Editor will be arriving in the EU PS Store today.  The Booster Pack and Level Editor is still on track for June 11 in North America

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