Buzz! Up Your Home Space


Home has received another game space today. This time in the form of the Buzz! HQ. The Buzz! HQ will pit 64-players against each other in a battle of wits. The game is very fast paced, requires team work, and the Buzz! buttons are interactive.

To answer questions in the game space you will have to step onto the correct colored button before time runs out. The Home community management will be around the space all day today, so make sure to look out for them. PS Blog has updated to let us all know that they are currently experiencing glitches in the space right now and are working to fix it right now. I have included a video below for everyone to see the wacky fun to be had in the space.

[viddler id=efd83bb0&w=545&h=327]As always, stay here on PlayStation Lifestyle for all the latest news on your favorite console.


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