PS3 Review – WET


Speaking of weapons, Rubi can carry four guns that when unlocked are assigned a D Pad button so they are easy to cycle through during combat.  The pistol is given unlimited ammunition while you will have to find ammo throughout the level for the Machine Gun, Shotgun and Crossbow.   Though if you ever do run out of ammo you can always pull out Rubi’s trusty sword with the Square button and it is very affective at close ranch.  Each weapon can be upgraded with style points that you receive at the end of each level.  You can upgrade ammo capacity, damage and fire rate of each weapon that you carry.  Rubi can also purchase new acrobatic moves, health and other goodies with the same style points you gain during the level.

The graphics and Presentation are given a fair amount of details. Load Screens keep you occupied as you watch old Drive-Thru movie advertisements for Snack Stands, new movie screens and the like.  Ends of chapters act up like a bad movie reel that is not set properly.   There is a very heavy emphasis on movie type grunge feel to the game as the music, gore and even Rubi feel like something straight out of Kill Bill.  Voice work in the game is servicable and gthe dialog is like that of your typical action movie.


Overall WET is a solid action game that should provide the player with a solid 6-8 hours of gory acrobatic action.  The action is fun and fast with most all of the movements feeling pretty solid.  However with a short single player, no multiplayer and not many options for replay aside from harder difficulties, it is a tough sell at 60 bucks and sits more as a solid weekend rental.

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Great Acrobatic Action

Heavy grunge feel to the presentation

Replay value is low

6 out of 10
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