Watch the New LittleBigPlanet Costume Kit in Action


LittleBigPlanet may be almost a year old, but the game recently received its very own Game of the Year Edition, Sony gave away free Norse Mythology DLC, and announced a new Water level Creator’s Pack.  With over two million user generated levels the title is certainly one of Sony’s biggest and most ambitious titles, with developer Media Molecule releasing a steady stream of DLC to keep consumers interested. Recently however, there has been a small drought in LBP with no packs being released in a while, now it seems that this is soon set to change.

This Thursday Media Molecule will add to the barrage of content coming to the store, releasing the Watchmen Costume and Sticker Pack to the masses. The Silk Spectre II, Rorschach, Nite Owl II and Ozymandias costumes will be available in the pack, as well as a whole host of Watchmen related stickers.


As Rorschach’s mask is slightly different in the photograph than in the short teaser trailer, this shows that the mask does move and change, just like the true fictional character, which will come as a relief to fans of the lovable psychopath.
