The latest issue of Famitsu has just revealed that Fist of the North Star Musou or Hokuto Musou in Japan is currently in production for the PS3 and 360.
Fist of the North Star Musou follows the widely popular manga series and is being developed by KOEI. At the unveiling today, KOEI offered this description for the game
“Channeling their energy into a single deadly blow, players can strike their victims and cause them to violently explode on screen. Gamers can also let loose with Kenshiro’s signature move- a ruthless flurry of ferocious punches, triggering the instantaneous breakdown of internal organs, and death.”
Check out the Famitsu scan below as well as some screenshots posted today courtesy of Andriasang

The game should be released in Japan next year, no word yet on if it will come out West. Stay tuned to PlayStation LifeStyle as more news breaks.