Don’t Like The North American Heavy Rain Box Art? Change It Out!

Quantic Dreams recently revealed the North American box art  for their upcoming PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain, but it appears that many fans who intend to purchase the game aren’t so thrilled with the way things are looking cover-wise, and are instead opting for the European box art.

Well, if you’re one of those fans, fear not, as it appears that Quantic Dreams will be making a downloadable PDF of the EU boxart available to North American PS3 users to print out and replace with the cover of their choice.

When asked whether or not a printable PDF of the Euro box art would be available, Cristian Cardona (Associate Product Manager of Software Marketing) replied with the following:

We’ll be doing that for those that would prefer the UK artwork. Keep an eye out on the blog around launch!

This is good news as the game’s February 26th release date looms closer, because choice is always a good thing. If you would like to make your mind up for yourself ahead of time, why not check out the NA and EU box art below!

Heavy Rain NA Cover Art
Heavy Rain EU Cover Art


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