PS3 Review – Darksiders

There are various gadgets strewn throughout the lands that give War new abilities. In true Zelda fashion, items open up new parts of old areas, so exploration is rewarded. Exploration becomes much easier once the steed Ruin is unlocked. Ruin not only makes travel easier, but attacks from atop the horse will also be much more powerful. In addition to inventory items, War can also pick up items from the environment. Cars and other objects are a great way to take out enemies near and far. Some foes carry heavy guns which can be picked up and used against them.

Darksiders is not the easiest title available–along the way you will encounter various monsters. Bats, undead and demons all stand in your path to find the truth. While the various minions are easily taken down, some of the mini-bosses are lethal. Dashing and blocking will be essential to successful engagements. Proper timing and execution of strikes and spells will ensure victory. Checkpoints are placed well and don’t always give the, “I have to do all that again” feel. Most of the bosses will require that you just beat them senseless, while others will require the use of tools and your mind to bring them down.

The pacing of the story and the game in general starts off a little slow, but it picks up pace quickly. The puzzles can be tricky, but many are designed to appear more complex then they are. They offer some challenge without being overly frustrating. The final stages provide for some intricate puzzles that will keep you scratching your head, and some of the boss battles involving the Void Walker (portal gun) are particularly well done.


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