Trophy Guide — God of War

Getting My Ass Kicked (Bronze)Die enough to get offered Easy Mode

– For this Trophy, start the game at a difficulty above ‘Easy’ and intentionally die enough for the game to ask the player to step down to Easy mode. This Trophy can be earned as early on as the Hydra boss battle (the first one about 20 minutes into the game).

Kratos’ Marble Collection (Bronze)Collect all the Gorgon Eyes

Stick it in Your Cap (Bronze)Collect all the Phoenix Feathers

– If you are clever enough to see past Sony Santa Monica and David Jaffe’s hiding spots, you should be able to find most, if not all, of the Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers on your own. But for a detailed walkthrough on how to get every collectible in the game, including the Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers, Gamespot has this great guide to help.

It’s a HUGE One (Silver)Retrieve the Captain’s Key

– Story-based Trophy. Cannot be missed.

Take the Bull by the Horns (Silver)Defeat Pandora’s Guardian

– Story-based Trophy. Cannot be missed.

God Killer (Silver)Kill Ares

– This Trophy is required to beat the game. Ares is the final boss in the game and can be tough especially in harder difficulties. Simply kill Ares and this Silver Trophy is yours.

Head Hunter (Silver)Obtain the head of the Architect’s wife

– Story-based Trophy. Cannot be missed.

The Power to Kill a God (Silver)Retrieve Pandora’s Box

– Story-based Trophy. Cannot be missed.

Hitman 2 (Silver)Get a 200 Hits Combo

– Like in the “Hitman” Trophy, it’s all about the Blades of Chaos spin combos (L1 + Square, Triangle, and Circle) and Poseidon’s Rage. Just make sure the magic meter is full, in order to rapidly do the Poseidon’s Rage move, and make sure there are enough enemies that can take a lot of damage before disappearing. Easiest place to do this is near the end of the game since the enemies are harder to kill.

Legend of the Twins (Silver)Watch the ‘Birth of the Beast’ Treasure

– Thankfully, unlocking this Trophy only requires the player to complete the game. After beating the game, go to ‘Treasures’ on the main menu and watch the video entitles “Birth of the Beast” and not only is the Trophy earned but more information about the past and future of Kratos is learned.Seeing Red (Silver)Max out all Weapons and Magic

– In order to obtain this Trophy, the player will have had to have collected enough Red Orbs to purchase all available upgrades. Pretty much, the player will have to just kill everyone and everything in sight and open up every Red Orb chest. If you already made it to the end of the game and are not close to having enough Red Orbs for every upgrade, a trick is to intentionally fail on the quick-time events during the Ares boss battle, which will earn Kratos 9,000 to 10,000 Red Orbs and finally close to 50,000 Red Orbs after completing the battle.

Prepare to be a God (Gold)Beat the Game on any Difficulty

– Simply beat the game and the Trophy is yours. Being demoted in difficulty (for example, to get the “Getting My Ass Kicked” Trophy) will not prevent you from earning this Trophy.

You Got the Touch! (Gold)Climbed the Spiked Column in Hades without taking damage

– Surprisingly, this Trophy almost cannot be missed. After retrieving Pandora’s Box and traveling out of Hades, Kratos will come across a wall with a spinning column  of spikes. While climbing up it, the slightest hit will cause Kratos to fall back to the bottom so it is mandatory to make it to the top without getting hit. The bright side is this is another Gold Trophy earned from a single playthrough.

I’ll Take the Physical Challenge (Gold)Complete the Challenge of the Gods

– Undoubtedly the toughest Trophy in the game. The  “Challenge of the Gods” are a series of ten courses available to the player after completing the the game once. Here is a video walkthrough for each challenge:


Speed of Jason McDonald (Gold)Beat the game in under 5 hours on any Difficulty

– Next to the Challenge of the Gods, this is seemingly the most difficult Trophy to obtain but when you actually begin your speed-run, you will see that it is not that bad. Since cutscenes do not add to the play clock, there is no need to skip the cinematics. The biggest killer for this Trophy is, however, pausing with the ‘Start’ button rather than the ‘Select’ button. The ‘Start’ button brings up the upgrades page which will run the play clock while pausing with ‘Select’ will stop the play clock.

Key to Success (Gold)Collect all of the Muse Keys

– Fortunately, there are only two Muse Keys needed to be found throughout the course of Kratos’ adventure in the three rings of Pandora. The first Muse key can be found behind the Statue of Atlus (the statue of a guy holding a stone above his head). The second Muse Key is located just at the beginning of the Challenge of Poseidon. When outside of the Pandora’s Box structure while Kratos is wall-hugging to get across, move along to the right where you will find the chest with the Muse Key inside.

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