EA Will Reward Players For Being Good Sports in FIFA 11

EA Sports has confirmed that the next FIFA installment in the series is looking for more ways to improve, especially in the online component, punishing players who quit a match.

EA’s Simon Humbler, who is the current producer on the upcoming World Cup game has told EuroGamer that FIFA 11 would reward players for completing matches and punish the game-quitters.

It’s a complex problem. We do have the five-minute rule: if you find your connection’s poor you can drop out within the first five minutes.

After that there should be a penalty; just in the online world there are complexities that mean by the time the data comes back to our servers, something there means it doesn’t award the win to the right person. So we’re always looking to improve that.

I’ve been on the back-end to many of these quitters, so it is very frustrating and I fully support EA’s decision to improve the online component for the game. FIFA 11 is due to be released in Q2 of EA’s fiscal year 2011.

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