Zipper Hints at ‘Massive’ MAG DLC Incoming

You gotta hand it to Zipper Interactive. First they have to manage and keep the ‘massive’ servers that keep MAG moving along smoothly, plus develop new DLC to keep it fresh. Second they’re currently developing SOCOM 4, so yeah… it’s safe to say their plate is plenty full of digital goodness. Even though Zipper has released plenty of updates and DLC for MAG so far, it looks like the best has yet to come and Zipper isn’t shy about teasing us about it.

Senior Community Manager for Zipper Interactive, Jeremy Dunham, teased all of us MAG fans in the Official MAG forums with this short response below.

Our DLC after this one will be b-i-g.

How big you ask? Rumors from new maps, weapons…and maybe even a completely new faction to help win the Shadow War. Whatever it may be, you know it’s going to be huge.

Also a reminder for all of you MAG owners out there. Starting yesterday was the title’s latest DOUBLE XP Weekend!! So make sure you take advantage of this weekend to help kick some Raven, Valor or S.V.E.R. ass!

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