EA Announces Medal of Honor Beta

So, we understand that most of you are probably busy during the day and lead a very productive life, which, despite providing you with some degree of happiness and satisfaction, leaves an ever decreasing amount time to keep up with yours truly for day’s hottest PlayStation news. But if you haven’t heard about Electronic Arts’ new blockbuster, you’re sleeping, because even the sleep deprived are highly anticipating its arrival this fall. And hey, if you like betas, you might not have to wait so long.

Rather than mention how the incredible new Medal of Honor plans to live up to the family name and win back it’s since defected fan base, or even let you in on exactly when the title will drop, we’ll just get right down to the nitty gritty of this post: EA has confirmed a public multi-player beta will be released to the masses sometime between now and the game’s release in October. And in the most anti-climatic fashion, EA left much to be desired as no other details were mentioned, but you can bet your bottom dollar that we’ll lay down everything right here for you as soon as we get word.
