Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Announced

Although fans have been pleased from time-to-time, Harry Potter games have not exactly revolutionized gaming. Every iteration in the franchise seems like an easy cash-in opportunity for the developers and the titles feel rushed to meet the movie-counterpart release. Let’s hope the latest Harry Potter game which has been announced today, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, changes the trend of horrible movie game tie-ins.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has officially been announced. Like its movie counterpart, the game will come in 2 parts, with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 currently scheduled to launch this Autumn. The game, which is being developed by EA Bright Light Studios, is no ordinary Harry Potter title as it’ll be utilizing a new engine which takes full advantage of HD consoles.

Jonathan Bunney, VP, Head of Production at EA Bright Light said:

The final Harry Potter adventure has given us the opportunity to make a darker and more action-oriented game than we have before. We believe we are creating a Harry Potter game that the HD console gaming generation will appreciate and enjoy. We have built new technology specifically to allow us to prove that magic is a truly potent force and, in this game, players will need to use all their skills if they want to survive.

David Heyman, Producer of the Harry Potter films series also commented on the announcement of the latest Harry Potter title:

We have enjoyed a tremendous partnership with EA in collaborating on the Harry Potter videogames. Over the years, the games have grown ever closer to the films in their art direction and in their spirit so it is exciting to know that the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 videogame will capture the action and suspense of the upcoming film.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows takes Harry and his friends on a journey to destroy the secret to Voldemort’s immortality and destruction – the Horcruxes (creepy!) which ultimately brings Harry closer as he was destined for: the final battle against Lord Voldemort.

Let’s hope that this game takes advantage of the opportunity and gives us what we’ve all been clamoring for — a decent movie tie-in game!


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