UK Pre-Order Bonus for Enslaved Sighted Online

We all love free swag and bonuses that come with pre-order purchases to enhance our gaming experience.  Apparently, so do the people over at Namco-Bandai and Ninja Theory.  If you live in the UK and love exclusive pre-order content, then you’ll not want to miss out on this sweet pre-order bonus that you can chose from these online retailers.

As of this posting, three websites have been spotted that will offer UK gamers the pre-order bonus as listed below:

  • GAME – When you finish the game, you will unlock a new costume for Monkey and deal double melee damage.
  • PLAY – During the week of release, you’ll receive a code to download the Sexy Robot Trip who will be able to provide Monkey with double duration on staff shot stun blasts, melee stuns, and Trip’s EMP blasts.
  • AMAZON –  You’ll receive two unlocked content with this one: Ninja Monkey Character and Unlimited Staff Blast Ammo.  The ninja outfit will be available once you complete the game.

Again, these deals are only available from online retailers located in the UK.  We’re pretty confident that we should see similar deals pop-up in the US sometime soon.  You’ll be sure to hear from us again once we catch wind of it.  Trust me, I don’t think I could pass up a Ninja Monkey.

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