Kojima Infiltrating Los Angeles to Treat Fans

There are some games that need all the press they can get simply to survive; Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid series is definitely not one of them. Despite this, it seems somebody didn’t get the memo as the legend behind the franchise is currently conducting an international tour in an effort to promote Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and maybe move another half a million units. If you’re a fan of Kojima’s work and need something to do while you wait for his next major announcement, it’s probably in your best interest to be in L.A. tomorrow.

If you haven’t already heard, it’s E3 week over in the City of Angels, and you know what that means, right? Yup, streets crowding with camera totting, note taking, sweaty palmed nerds journalists itching to get their hands on the latest offerings from The Big Three and their many, many developers. And what better way to start if off with a friendly visit from the creator of one of the industry’s most successful franchise? Well, if you happen to be in the area, you might want to take a ride over to Universal Studios City Walk where you’ll find our main man, Hideo Kojima, hanging out at the local Gamestop, signing autographs and such. The address for the signing location is below:

100 Universal City Plaza,

Universal City, CA 91608.

Kojima’s time with fans all goes down from 11:00am to 1:00pm, and while we’re not sure if there are any restrictions on what you can have signed, it probably wouldn’t hurt to present him with a brand new copy of Peace Walker. Just saying…