Dragon Age II Forged For Single Player

Well-renowned RPG developer, BioWare, has claim to a successful history of some of the best RPGs to ever hit the gaming market.  One of their latest, Dragon Age, has already set the bar quite high as far as storytelling and presentation have to offer.  For its successor, Dragon Age II, much more has been added to the legend, but be prepared to make the journey alone.

Fans of BioWare have already begun to pose questions about the Dragon Age sequel on the community forums.  One of  those questions asked if the developers had any plans to expand upon multiplayer options.  Chris Priestly, BioWare community manager, simply responded:

“Dragon Age 2 is a single player game.”

While BioWare has successfully implemented multiplayer in some of their previous titles (Neverwiner Nights), the developers seems to have found its niche in creating epic single player experiences.  And the fact that multiplayer will not be focused on, really gives me much more confidence that Dragon Age II will deliver a solid adventure with its boasted upgraded graphics and combat engine.

Be ready to make your fame and fortune when Dragon Age II pillages retailers March 2011.
