Enslaved DLC Not Chained To Main Story

Ninja Theory’s Enslaved is getting close to its fall release date, and already we’ve learned that the devs have been hard at work on DLC.  Some people have wondered if the inclusion of DLC will be short changing the main storyline of Enslaved.  Tameem Antoniades, however, wants to put those anxieties at ease.

At a recent interview with VG247, Tameem clarified the issue with the DLC content and stated that the downloadable expansions will not affect the main storyline in anyway.

“It will be a side adventure. We want to be very clear that the story has a beginning, middle and end, so you don’t need to get the DLC to fill in the gaps.

“It’s a totally separate side story, and totally separate from the main production of the game.”

Tameem further admitted that he is still new in the market of DLC, and so more downloadables  should follow if their first offer turns out to be a success.

“We don’t have a plan as such yet, but if it does work – I don’t know much about the dynamics of the DLC business – but if it does work I will be keen to do more.”

Look for Enslaved: Odyssey to the West to be set free this October 8th, and check out our E3 impressions in the meantime.

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