No Confirmation of The Last Guardian at TGS

No doubt, the buzz on Team ICO’s The Last Guardian has been huge ever since it’s début trailer at last year’s E3. Fans have been starving for more information on Fumito Ueda’s creation and were bracing themselves for rumors of its appearance at this year’s TGS. If absence truly makes the heart grow fonder, it appears gamers will find out just how fond the heart can get.

Already rumors began to ignite that news of The Last Guardian was finally going to wake from its deep slumber due to a  tweet from director Ueda’s twitter account, hinting that they would be able “show something at Tokyo Game Show.” However, Sony latest announcement for their TGS line-up makes no mention of The Last Guardian.

What does this mean for us gamers?  So far, a lot of indicators have been pointing to a definite reveal of more information of Team ICO’s next project – from Ueda’s promising more info from his tweets, to SCEA execs telling fans not to give up after this year’s E3. Perhaps Sony is putting this hotly anticipated info under wraps to savor it as a surprise announcement at TGS – or at least we can hope. With gamescom already in the past and this year quickly coming to a close, TGS seems to be The Last Guardian’s last chance at making an appearance this year.


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