David Jaffe Gives a Lucky 360 Owner The Gift of PlayStation 3

Whoever said that game developers can’t be giving to gamers in need this holiday season, and particularly those who may have jumped on the 360 train a bit too early, not realizing that they would be losing many of the excellent PlayStation exclusives that they were used to? Well, in a practically unfathomable act of generosity, upon hearing that a particular 360 owner would not be able to enjoy the destructive mayhem that is Twisted Metal next year, co-directer and co-lead designer at Eat.Sleep.Play David Jaffe took it upon himself to try and bring a little PS3 cheer to a 360 owner in need.

Let’s be honest, there are probably gamers all over the country with little to no money who would have appreciated the sentiment, but that doesn’t make this act any less awesome. When a Twitter user by the name of mayham_stone050 questioned Jaffe as to whether or not the new Twisted Metal would be making its way to the Xbox 360, Jaffe had to deliver the unfortunate news that the game is indeed a PS3 exclusive. However, later on Jaffe was on the hunt for the user who posted the question, as he had a big surprise for him.

With the support of Eat.Sleep.Play and Sony Santa Monica, David managed to hook this 360 owner up with a brand spanking new PS3, just so he could enjoy the Twisted Metal action next year. The lucky recipient then responded, stating that he was on his way to GameStop to pre-order the game in support of the developers behind the game. David Jaffe really never ceases to amaze any of us. With his brutally honest opinions and often laid-back demeanor, David definitely does stand out among today’s industry professionals. This is certainly adds bonus points to David Jaffe’s “awesome factor”. Keep doing what you’re doing Dave, we love ya for it!

Oh, and mayham_stone050, after you receive your console, I happen to know of a fantastic site where you can get all the latest PlayStation news and reviews… *wink*


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