Home Builds an Addition, Gets New Features

Each week, Home is growing into the robust, interactive social network it was originally pitched as. Even though it took some time, no one can deny that Sony has done their very best to please the masses wanting a more social experience. Judging from their latest update and additions, they are continuing that trend.

Earlier today, Home released versions 1.41, which by the looks of it adds a few improvements as well as fixes some bugs. But that’s not the only updates. The recently released Novus Prime also received an update. Novus Prime, which is a space combat game within Home, will also be giving out Pilot Jackets to those that have earned the rank of Airman or Captain. There is also a mini-mech being added to aid you in all that walking around.

There’s even more. Sodium One, which celebrates its one year anniversary this month, will be celebrating by offering a special sale as well as new rewards.

Rounding out all of this great news will be that the Mall will be receiving a massive update. There will be new Burn Zombie Burn costumes, as well as whole heaping helping of brand new Christmas themed costumes. Finally new Ghostbusters and “Mad Scientist” furniture will be added to the “Loot” store.

With these new games and merchandise, they’ll be plenty of things to do in Home to keep you entertained throughout the holidays.


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