Killzone 3 and LBP2 Invade 7-11 Slurpees

It looks as if Slurpee and 7-Eleven have decided to jump on board with Sony again for the upcoming launches of Killzone 3 and LittleBigPlanet 2. Both of these titles are among the most anticipated PlayStation exclusives that Sony has to offer, so there is no surprise that they have big marketing plans planned.

These limited edition cups can be found immediately at participating 7-Eleven locations, and also each have bonuses to picking them up. Each cup will contain a redeemable code for various items that relate to that particular game. These can range from wallpapers, ringtones, to even making of videos.

Head over to your local 7-Eleven and Slurpee up some brainfreeze to nab some exclusive goodies!


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