Knights Contract Trophy List Revealed

The action/adventure title Knights Contract, which is being published by Namco Bandai, is slated to be released this February 22nd. Considering that is just a few days away, many are probably curious as to what will be included trophy wise in the game. Well PlayStation LifeStyle has the entire trophy list for all your trophy whores out there.

Below is the trophy list for the game:

Bronze Trophies

‘Tis But a Scratch!
Experience your first revival

A Worthy Apprentice
Defeat 50 enemies with the help of Minukelsus

Average Executioner
Beat the game on Squire

Blood Bath
Defeat 100 enemies

Spilled Blood
Defeat an enemy

Save Gretchen from enemy attack

Bone Collector
Defeat the witch Straeggele

Careful With That!
Both yourself and Damage an enemy with Witchcraft 10 times

Combo Master
Attain The Highest possible rating combo

Land in Finisher

Eye Candy
Use Witch’s Embrace When no enemies are present

Fire Fighter
Defeat the witch Holda

Acquire the Scythe of Imperial Massacre

Get ‘Em Up
Pick up The Same enemy five times

Growing Power
Upgrade to Witchcraft

Guardian Knight
Save Gretchen from enemy attack 50 times

Hair Cutter
Defeat the witch Rapunzel

Head Bangin ‘
Bash The Same enemy into a wall five times

I’m Taking You With Me
Both yourself and Damage an enemy with Witchcraft

Ice Breaker
Defeat the witch Trude

It’s Just a Flesh Wound!
Revive 50 times

Keeping Healthy
Collect 100 Recovery Items

Light Reading
Acquire a collection item

Nice Try!
Repel an enemy’s attack 10 times

Novice Executioner
Beat the game on Page

Ring Around the Rosie
Catch and defeat five enemies at once with Mag Mell’s Rose

Skilled Executioner
Beat the game on Knight

Skillfully Executed
Land 100 Finishers

Soul Grabber
Collect souls 10.000

Stone Crusher
Defeat the witch Verderinde

Storm Stopper
Defeat the witch Trendula

Take One For The Team
Perform 10 counterattacks while taking enemy attacks

Acquire the Scythe of the Assassin Queen

The Finer Things
Acquire equipment to

The Sonic Knight
Perform a 30-hit combo

To the Fires of Hell
Defeat Faust

Touch Too Much
Gretchen carry around for a long time

Until Next Time …
Faust Force to retreat

Witchcraft Collector
Acquire all Witchcraft

Silver Trophies

Bloody Massacre
Defeat enemies 1.000

Elegantly Executed
Perfect Land 100 Finishers

Expertly Executed
Land Finishers 1.000

Her True Strength
Defeat 200 enemies with Witch’s Embrace

Information Junkie
Acquire all collection items

Master Executioner
Beat the game on Hexen Knight

Soul Reaper
Collect souls 100.000

Souls United
Defeat 200 enemies with Knight’s Fury

Gold Trophies

Legendary Executioner
Beat the game on Witchslayer

The Witch’s Ultimate Weapon
Acquire Spirit Cannon

Platinum Trophy

Supreme Witchslayer
Fully execute your Knights Contract

There are actually a total of 51 trophies in the game, the one that is not listed is a hidden trophy that has yet to be revealed.


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