Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, the third version of the venerable fighting series which includes four new characters, is on its way over to consoles this June. If you’re unsure whether or not you want to pre-order this game, Capcom has an exclusive bonus for those who pre-order the game from their store.
As posted on the Capcom-Unity blog, those who pre-order online at the Capcom store will be treated to not one, but two Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Dark Hado Bobble Budds (try saying that five times fast!), each featuring a character from the series. One, which you can see below, features Oni, the other (not pictured) is Evil Ryu. Again, this deal is valid only on pre-orders made via Capcom’s online store, and are being produced in a “very limited run” according to the blog post. So collectors, act now or risk having to find these secondhand later on! Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition is set to release digitally for current SSFIV owners on June 1st, and in disc form on June 28th.