Uncharted 3 Collector’s Edition Announcement Etched in Stone

You can’t deny that Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 3 is set to make a huge splash on the PS3 when it lands in the hands of fellow treasure hunters. So it probably doesn’t come as a big surprise that one of 2011’s most-anticipated games will be available will some extra loot for you to plunder.

In a recent interview with France’s Gameblog, Naughty Dog’s co-founder, Christophe Balesta did not deceive the masses when he confirmed a collector’s edition for Drake’s Deception.

There will be a collector’s edition (…) This version will incorporate it, we’ll talk about it soon … and it will be great!

If “great” is comparable to Naughty Dog’s proven level of greatness, then Nathan Drake groupies are sure in for a treat. And the mentioning of “soon” could only mean that the special edition will be unveiled at this year’s E3.

The best part about this news, is that we’ll be there live on the show floor to give you the details first-hand. Be sure to check back with us during E3, and we’ll give you the scoop on what’s inside Naughty Dog’s treasure chest.


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