11 Minutes of Starhawk Gameplay Lift Off

When Starhawk was officially announced, LightBox Interactive showed off plenty of gameplay footage from the spiritual successor to Warhawk. If you’re thriving for more action from the game, then you’re in luck — an 11-minute video of Starhawk gameplay has emerged.

Upon Starhawk‘s announcement many were surprised with the inclusion of a single-player component; the developer wanted to give the best of both worlds via an action-packed multiplayer and a campaign that lasts from 5 to 8 hours. The single-player campaign is displayed in the video below — check it out.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlYXnD51yVs[/youtube]

Starhawk is currently scheduled for a release in 2012 before Christmas. The game will boast a 32-player online multiplayer matches, massive mechs which can transform into hawks (really) as well as incorporating something unique in the form of an RTS system. For more details on Starhawk, be sure to check out the announcement, as well as our 60-strong screenshot complication.

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