L.A. Noire – Trophy Guide

The Brass (Silver) – Achieve maximum rank.

The maximum rank is Rank 20. You will need to earn a total of 1140 experience points to reach Rank 20. You can gain experience points by answering questions correctly, finding a gold film reel, discovering a landmark, completing street crimes and collecting hidden shields. Here is a breakdown of experience points.

  • Answer on question correctly – 5 XP
  • Acquire a single Film Reel – 5 XP
  • Discover a Landmark – 5 XP
  • Complete a Street Crime – 15 XP
  • Collect a Hidden Shield ( Badge Pursuit Challenge DLC) – 5XP

Not So Hasty (Bronze) – Stop a fleeing suspect with a warning shot as an LAPD Detective.

During some of the cases you will be required to chase a suspect in order to apprehend them. During some of these foot chases you will have the option to draw your weapon by pressing “L1” and firing off a warning shot. With your gun drawn, you will have to line up your cross-hair on the suspect. As you hold your cross-hair over the suspect, you will see a circular meter start to fill up in a clockwise manner. Once the meter is filled, a scene will play and Cole will shoot one shot into the air, stopping the fleeing suspect. You can do this in most Street Crimes or you can also do it in later stages of the main story. A good side mission to get this trophy on is “Daylight Robbery”. It will be available while on the Vice desk.

Asphalt Jungle (Bronze) – Chase down and tackle a fleeing suspect on foot as an LAPD Detective.

During some of the cases you will be required to chase a suspect in order to apprehend them. During some of these foot chases you will have the option to tackle the suspect by pressing the “X” button repeatedly. As you get close enough the suspect, you will be prompted to repeatedly press “X”. Cole will start to run faster and there will be a short scene that will play showing Cole tackle the suspect. A good place to get this trophy is during the case “The Golden Butterfly” on the Homicide desk.

Traffic Stop (Bronze) – Disable a suspect vehicle with help form your partner.

While chasing a fleeing car, you can have your partner shoot out their tires. Once a chase breaks out, you will need to get in close enough to the left side of the car that your partner can shoot out the tires. Once your partner has shot out the tires, he will tell you to spin them out. At this point all that is left to do is hit the car enough to disable it and then get out of your car and walk towards it. The first place you will be able to do this is during the case “The Fallen Idol” on the Traffic desk.

The Straight Dope (Bronze) – Use evidence to prove a lie as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

When accusing a person of lying, you will be directed to your notebook. From here you will need to choose a piece of evidence to back up your claim that they are lying. If you choose the correct piece of evidence you will get the question correct and earn the trophy.

See The Hunch.

One For The File (Bronze) – Find and inspect a clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

The first place that this trophy can be achieved in is the “The Driver’s Seat” case on the Traffic desk. The location of the first place is the P.E. Freight Depot. Walk up to the trunk of the car and press “X” to open it. Once the trunk is open you will have the option to pick up either a piece of paper or a tire iron. Choose the piece of paper and you will find out that it is a receipt for a live pig. At this point you should see on the bottom left corner of the screen that says “New Clue”.

Note: Collecting any piece of evidence in this manner will earn you the trophy.

Golden Boy (Bronze) – Clear a case finding every clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

To earn this trophy you will need to collect every piece of evidence during an investigation. You will also need to answer every question correctly while questioning suspects or witnesses. The trophy will pop up at the end of the case while viewing the results screen.

Click here for a complete guide to all the story cases.

The Plot Thickens (Bronze) – Find and solve an inspection puzzle.

While investigating you will come across inspection puzzles. These are small puzzles that will need to be completed in order to reveal a case clue. The first place that this trophy can be achieved is during the case “The Driver’s Seat” on the Traffic desk. While interviewing Margaret Black, you can go outside and investigate a newly installed water heater. You will need to piece together a few pieces of pipe to complete the water heater and reveal a clue to the case.

Click here for a complete guide to all the story cases.

Stab-Rite (Bronze)At Ray’s Cafe, find the bloodstained knife on your first sweep of the crime scene.

This is at the very beginning of the case “A Marriage Made In Heaven” on the Traffic desk. As soon as you reach the Crime scene, head to the alley on the left side of the bar. There will be a silver trash-can on the right side of the alley. When you get to the trash-can your controller will vibrate. Press the “X” button to pick up the knife and examine it. Later on during the case you will head to the coroner’s to discuss the cause of death. While there, you will learn that the victim was killed by a knife before he was hit by the car. The knife you found in the trash-can turns out to be the murder weapon in the end.

Round Heels (Bronze) – At the Bahama Club, get Dick McColl to give up the license plate of Celine Henry’s male companion.

This is during the the case “The Red Lipstick Murder” on the Homicide desk. You will go to the Bamba Club to question Dick McColl. If you get all three questions correct, he will give you the license plate number. Here are the correct answers to the three questions:

  • Suspect Seen With Victim – TRUTH
  • Knowledge of Husband – DOUBT
  • Ring Stolen From Victim – DOUBT

The Fighting Sixth (Bronze)At the Bus Shooting, talk Felix Alvarro into giving up the Marines involved in the Coolridge heist.

You will get this during the case “Manifest Destiny” on the Vice desk. After shooting the sniper and reaching the top of the roof, examine the body of the sniper to find the sniper’s book. Once found, you will end up back on the ground where you will be talking to Felix Alvarro. You will need to guess the answer to both questions correctly for him to give up the marines involved in the Coolridge heist. Here are the correct answers to both questions:

  • Informed of Coolridge Heist –  DOUBT
  • Motive for Shooting – LIE – Evidence – Sniper’s Pocketbook

Huckster (Bronze) – At Elysian Fields, outwit Leland Monroe when discussing his developments or advertising campaign.

You will get trophy on the case “A Walk In Elysian Fields” on the Arson desk. Before you talk to the Mr. Monroe, make sure you have went to Rancho Escondido first. This will open up the third question that Cole will ask Mr. Monroe during the interview. The question will be about the “Local Land Acquisitions”. Choosing the right answers will net you this trophy. Here are the correct answers to  all four questions. Elysian Linked to Arson – DOUBT

  • Promotional Travel Contest – LIE – Evidence – Elysian Fields Flyers (Given to you by the noisy neighbor.)
  • Local Land Acquisitions – DOUBT
  • Rancho Escondido Fire – LIE – Evidence – Poor Cement Quality

Lead Foot (Bronze) – Keep the needle above 80mph for more than ten seconds while driving.

There are a lot of cars that can go 80 miles per hour or more. The police car that you start with on the Traffic desk will do just fine. Once you are able to drive freely around the city, locate a very long straight road to drive on. Once you are ready to go, turn on the police siren and try to avoid all other cars. Most cars will stop and stay out of your way if you have your siren on. Keep driving as fast as the car can go for as long as you can. You should have no trouble getting this trophy.

Note: If you are having trouble getting this trophy, locate one of the “hidden” cars marked as a question mark on your map. These will be marked on your map once you reach a certain rank. You should get the first five hidden cars marked on your map at Rank 3. Using one of those cars will net you this trophy very quickly. If you are still having trouble you can always try the airport runways on the northern edge of the “Central” part of the city.

Miles On the Clock (Bronze) – Drive more than 194.7 miles.

Drive around until you have driven more than 194.7 miles. This will come over time if you drive everywhere yourself. All miles driven count towards this trophy so it doesn’t matter how many different vehicles you drive. You can check your progress by pausing the game and going to “Statistics”.

Note: Having your partner drive will not count towards this trophy.

Wooden Overcoats (Silver) – Bring down a total of 30 bad guys with head shots.

Kill 30 bad guys with headshots. This will come naturally over time if you aim for head shots with every bad guy.

Dead Men Are Heavier (Bronze) – Shoot and kill a total of 100 bad guys.

This will come over time if you kill all the bad guys while completing the Street Crime cases.

Roscoe And Friends (Bronze) – Kill at least one bad guy with every gun.

There are a total of nine different guns to use in the game.

  • Colt 45 – This is your standard service weapon. It has unlimited ammo.
  • Colt 38 – this gun is available in “Armed and Dangerous” on the Patrol desk. You must drop your shotgun in order to use it.
  • Ithaca Full Stock Shotgun – Given to you automatically during “Armed and Dangerous” on the Patrol desk. This shotgun is available (alongside the drummed Thompson) in police vehicle trunks that carry weapons.
  • M1 Grand Rifle – This gun is available during “The Fallen Idol” on the Traffic desk. You can get it from the first guy you shoot during your escape from the top of the movie set.
  • M1 Thompson – This gun is available during “The Fallen Idol” on the Traffic desk. You can get it from the one of the two guys you run into as you come down the stairs during your escape from top of the movie set.
  • Chicago Piano – You can get this weapon as free DLC on May 31. Once you have this, you can find the Chicago Piano in the trunk of any police vehicle that yields weapons.
  • Browning Automatic Rifle – This gun is available in “Manifest Destiny” on the Vice desk, “A Polite Invitation” on the Arson desk and “A Different Kind Of War” on the Arson desk.
  • FN Browning – Jack Kelso’s default pistol; used in “A Polite Invitation” on the Arson desk. It’s his default weapon, so it has unlimited ammo.
  • Flamethrower – You can find this in a weapons cache in the sewer tunnels during “A Different Kind Of War” on the Arson desk.

Magpie (Gold) – Find and inspect 95% of all clues.

There are a total of 241 to find in the game. In order to get the trophy you will need to find at least 229 of them. This will come over time while going for the Shamus To The Stars trophy.

Click here for a complete guide to all the story cases.

The Shadow (Bronze) – Tail a suspect without being spotted, in a single case.

The very first place that this trophy can be achieved is during the case “The Driver’s Seat” on Traffic desk. Play through the case until you reach the interview with Frank Morgan in Cavanagh’s Bar. Choose “Truth” for both questions and you will have to tail Frank Morgan to his apartment where Adrian Black is hiding. Stay as far behind him as you can without losing him and you will get the trophy as you arrive at his apartment.

The second place that it can be achieved is on the case “The Fallen Idol” on the Traffic Desk. You will tail June Ballard until you reach a cafe. At this point you must get inside the cafe without alerting her. At the entrance of the cafe press “R1” to go incognito and then move over to the booth with the newspaper on the left of the entrance and sit. At this point the trophy should pop-up.

The Third Degree (Silver) – Correctly branch every question in every interview in a single story case.

See The Up And Up.

The Hunch (Silver) – Use four intuition points in a single interview session, correctly branching each question.

You will earn one intuition point each time you rank up. Intuitions points can be used to eliminated an answer while questioning witnesses or suspects. You can also poll the community to see what the most common answer is for that question. To use an intuition point you will need to press “L1” when given the option to choose “Truth”, “Doubt” or “Lie”. A good place to get this trophy is while interviewing June Ballard in “The Fallen Idol” on the Traffic Desk. Here are the correct answers to the interview:

  • Doping Allegation – DOUBT
  • Injured Female Passenger – LIE – Evidence – Underwear
  • Suspect “Mark Bishop” – DOUBT
  • Fake Shrunken Head – DOUBT

NOTE: You will need to collect the torn underwear from the crash site before you question June Ballard if you want the get the trophy.

Star Map (Bronze) – Discover all landmark locations around the city.

There are a total of 30 landmarks to discover. To discover them, all you have to do is drive by them. They will then be added to your collection and a camera icon will be added to your map.

  1. 4th Street Viaduct
  2. 6th Street Viaduct
  3. Angel’s Flight
  4. Bradbury Building
  5. Brown Derby
  6. Bullock Wilshire
  7. Chinatown
  8. Christ Crown of Thorns
  9. Civic Square (Hall of Records)
  10. Crossroads to the World
  11. El Pueblo De Lose Angeles
  12. Grauman’s Theater
  13. Hotel Roosevelt
  14. Intolerance Set
  15. LA Cold Storage Co.
  16. LA County Art Museum
  17. LA Public Library
  18. Los Angeles Examiner
  19. Mcarther Park (Westlake Park)
  20. Main St. Terminal
  21. Max Factor Building
  22. Musso & Frank
  23. National Biscuit Company
  24. Park Plaza
  25. Pershing Square
  26. RKO Theatre
  27. The Good Samaritan Hospital
  28. The Mayfair Hotel
  29. Union Station
  30. Westlake Tar Pitts

Click here for a complete guide to all the landmark locations.

Public Menace (Silver) – Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.

During a story case you can rack up penalties in the form of money. You can earn penalties for destroying vehicles, destroying city property and killing people. In order to get $47,000 in damages you will need to destroy about 80 standard vehicles. A much faster and easier way of going about this, is to find the hidden vehicle “Duesenberg Walker Coupe” as it is worth $25,000. It is located on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd and El Centro Ave. Simply destroy it two times to reach your damage goal.

Note: In order for it to count as “destroying” your vehicle, the hood must fly off and the engine must catch on fire.

The Moose (Bronze) – Follow Candy Edwards without using cover or incognito, except when starting or picking up the tail.

You will earn this trophy during “The Set up” case while on the Vice desk. After leaving Candy’s home you will have to tail her. While tailing her, you will not be allowed to use cover by Pressing the “R1” button or use incognito behind objects by pressing the “X” button. You can however, hide behind objects while standing as long as you don’t press either “R1” or “X”. Stay back as far as you can without losing her and you should be fine.

Note: If you get caught, press “start” to quit back to the main menu and then choose “Resume”. This will start you back at the interview before the section where you need to tail Candy. Do not press “Retry” as this will not allow you to unlock the trophy even if you succeed the next time.

Keep A Lid On (Bronze) – Complete a brawl without losing your hat as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

The best way to get this trophy is to always use the block button and move around to avoid punches. You should also press and hold the “L2” button to stay locked onto the enemy. Press the “X” button to throw punches. When prompted you can press “circle” to finish him off. You can also use the “triangle” button to grab an enemy and then hit the “X” button to throw them or hit the “circle” button to head but the enemy.

The first place this trophy can be earned is during the case “The Red lipstick Murder” on the Homicide desk.  After interviewing Jacob Henry, a fight will break out. I suggest pressing “L2” as quickly as possible while moving back, because Jacob starts throwing punches fairly early. Here are the fight controls:

Fighting Controls

Punch – X button
Dodge/Hold To Block – Square button
Grapple Moves – Triangle button
Lock Onto Target – L2 button
Finishing Move – Circle button

Auto Enthusiast (Bronze) – Drive 5 different vehicles.

See Auto Fanatic.

Auto Collector (Bronze) – Drive 40 different vehicles.

See Auto Fanatic.

Auto Fanatic (Silver) – Drive every vehicle in the city.

There are a total of 95 vehicles to collect in this game. 15 of them are hidden in special garages with blue doors that have police shields painted on them. These “hidden” vehicles will be revealed in groups of five once you hit a certain rank. A question mark will be added to your map for each vehicle location. Once collected, the question mark will turn into a car icon. The other 80 vehicles can be found all over the map. Some are always in certain areas, while others are only available during certain cases. To collect a vehicle, all you have to do is enter the driver seat by pressing “triangle”. As soon as your door closes it will count the vehicle towards your total. You can check which vehicles you have in your collection by going to the “Extras” menu from the main menu.

Click here for a complete guide to all the vehicle locations.

Hollywoodland (Silver) – Find and inspect all gold film reels.

There are a total of 50 gold film reels scattered around the map. Your controller will vibrate when you are near one. When you find one all you have to do is press “X” to pick it up.

Click here for a complete guide to all the gold film reel locations.

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