We Hate Firmware Updates! Sony to Fix that With the Vita

Well, it’s not that we hate firmware updates themselves, in fact, we love them. They bring us new features, new options, and continue to ensure that the PlayStation 3 is ever-evolving. But they can take up quite a bit of time – time that many of us can’t afford to waste on updating our hardware. And we hate wasting time. Sony knows our time is precious and is looking into a way to make updating the PlayStation Vita’s firmware less intrusive.

While speaking with GameInformer, President of SCE Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida agreed that firmware updates can eat up time gamers could be spending playing games, and that they’re working on fixing that problem with the Vita:

…it’s very annoying when you only have one hour in your busy life to play a game, and when you have to spend 30 minutes out of that one hour to update the hardware.

Said, Yoshida, continuing:

I cannot talk about specific plans, but we are very aware of the issues, and we’d like to address those issues on PS Vita going forward.

This is definitely a good thing.

How about you? Have firmware updates ever kept you from playing a game because you were tapped for time?

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