Cross Game Chat #60 – Worst Gaming Experience Ever!

With Halloween festivities in full swing, the guys talk about the horrors some of the worst gaming experiences they have ever had. It turns out that a lot of the experiences revolve around losing game saves, whether it is due to freezing, breaking memory cards, or having a colony of ants move into your game console….that last one was courtesy of one of the community members watching the podcast life at Also, tune in to the podcast to hear plenty of talk about Grand Theft Auto V and how Cameron hates Russian/Serbian immigrants.

This Week’s News Topics:

  • Grand Theft Auto 5 Announced, Coming to PS3 Read>>
  • Get the Vita a Week Earlier With the First Edition Bundle Read>>
  • Sony Says There Will Be No PlayStation Vita Shortages Read>>
  • Famitsu Vita FAQ Read>>
  • Uncharted 3 Director Plans to Continue Drake’s Story as Long as Fans Wish Read>>
  • Playdead’s Next Game “More Crazy than LIMBO” Read>>
  • SSX Could be Hitting Slopes on Vita Read>>

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It’s the beginning of a new month, so that means that next week’s feature is winners and losers for August. Well…losers for August since we already know that Dark Souls is the Winner. So, you can write in to tell us how much you loved Dark Souls at or PSLifeStyle via Twitter. Finally, don’t forget to stop by to watch some Uncharted 3 gameplay every night.

Cameron’s Anime Recommendation

The Future Diary

PMC’s Music Pick


Eric’s Canadian Pick

Play scary games! (like Fatal Frame 2)

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