Sorcery To Bring Magic To PlayStation Move in Spring 2012

Sorcery was announced back at E3 2010, and since then, the game has done a disappearing act, only to reappear again as almost an entirely different game. Now confident that Sorcery will cast a spell on the PS3 audience, Sony has provided a release window for title that was once thought to be dead.

Sorcery will be releasing on the PlayStation 3 this upcoming Spring with full PlayStation Move integration. The PlayStation Move will act as your magic wand, allowing users to cast spells, brew elixirs, solve puzzles, and be the mage you always wanted to be.

Let’s just hope the year-long hiatus was well spent at crafting a game that can save the PlayStation Move from mediocrity.

To see the transformation that Sorcery has gone through, check out the trailer and screenshot gallery below.

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