Yesterday, Namco Bandai announced that they were publishing Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen, which is in development at ACQUIRE (Sumioni) for PlayStation Vita, along with releasing a new trailer. Today, they’ve released new screenshots of the game.
The screenshots released show a number of elements of the game. One screenshot shows the inventory system for the game. Another appears to be a post-mission results screen, where the impact of the mission on a client’s provisions, military, and more is shown, in addition to the impact of the mission on the enemy. The post-mission results screenshot also shows an option to select a character named “Kaede.” One shows Zen sneaking up on someone who appears to be an enemy and another screenshot shows an option to execute an enemy. One appears to show a character using a flying squirrel-like suit for gliding. The rest of the screenshots are various gameplay screenshots or shots from various parts of the game.
To see the new screenshots for Shinobido 2 released today, click on the media gallery below:

Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen is in development for PlayStation Vita and will release on the system’s launch date, February 22, 2012.