Keep Yourself From Getting Banned in COD: Modern Warfare 3

Given the diversity of people around the globe playing games online you are bound the run into people who play by the rules, and those who don’t. Sadly the biggest issue in playing online is what happens when both of those groups meet. Activision has taken it upon themselves to stop the cheating that has been ruining their previous titles. This means that people who have been used to playing a game without any consequences are finally going to see repercussions for their actions. Given that the rules are about to change, read below to see if you are in danger of being banned.

As spelled out by Activision’s community manager fourzerotwo:

a.  Boosting –  Any player demonstrating ‘game abuse’ in the form of organizing cooperative or single game play for the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset.

(ii) Second Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

(iii) Third Offense: With proper verification, user is perm banned.

b.  Cheating – Any player demonstrating ‘game abuse’ in the form of unknown boosting, glitching, hacking or other related offenses for the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset.

(ii) Second Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

(iii) Third Offense: With proper verification, user is perm banned.

c.  Glitching – Any player demonstrating ‘game abuse’ in the form of organizing cooperative or single game play for the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks. Examples: Exploiting map holes, the javelin glitch, and participating in modded lobbies

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset.

(ii) Second Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

(iii) Third Offense: With proper verification, user is perm banned.

d.  Hacking – Any player demonstrating ‘game abuse’ in the form of modifying the executable or creating infected lobbies with or without the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is console banned.

e.  Offensive_Behavior – Any player demonstrating in-game verbal abuse, harassing, or other related behavior deemed as universally unacceptable to other players.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 24 hours

f.  Offensive_Gamertag – Any player demonstrating an offensive in-game gamer tag, to be decided as universally unacceptable to other players.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is reputation banned 5000. A reputation ban that exceeds a certain threshold can lead to bans from playing.

Given that is has taken this long for Activision to be more outspoken on what it will take to get banned do you think that people will be more likely to stop cheating. Let us know in the comments what your experience has been with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Have things improved since the previous titles or grown worse?

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