PSLS Gets Arty: Vote For The Best Staff Fan Art

Earlier in the week, we launched the PSLS fan art competition, where you can send in your best art to win $20 on PSN, and be featured on the site. We also announced that we were going to take part and try our own hand at being arty, and have all tried to make the best fan art we could. To add a competitive element, you will be able to pick your favorite below, with the winner getting a cake.

Check out all the images here, and vote at the bottom.

Anthony Severino, Editor-in-Chief:

Sebastian Moss, Managing Editor:

Cameron Teague, PR Manager:

Josh Fernandes, Podcast Producer, TwitchTV host:

Heath Hindman, PSLS Senior Editor:

Alex Osborn, PSLS Daytime News Writer:

Nick Michetti, PSLS Daytime News Writer:

Paulmichael Contreras, Podcast host, PSLS staff writer:

Dan Oravasaari, PSLS staff writer:

Kevin Chang, PSLS YouTube Manager:

Louis Edwards, PSLS staff writer:

Did any of the art pieces catch your eye? Which was your favorite? Vote now!

[poll id=”14″]

Remember, there’s still time to enter the community fan art competition, so send over your art to!