A recent domain registration of ‘Avengers: Battle for Earth‘ points toward Ubisoft preparing a video game tie-in based on the recent movie release.
According to whois data (via Fusible), a domain for Avengers: Battle for Earth was recently registered by Marvel in the form of brand protection company MarkMonitor. The domain itself is currently parked on a server belonging to Ubisoft, hinting to the company’s involvement in the potential tie-in.
To add credence to Avengers: Battle for Earth being a console game, TQ Jefferson, vice president of games production for Marvel, had told Forbes:
We launched Marvel: Avengers Alliance on Facebook; which is just the tip of the iceberg. This is the first in a much larger effort to support the Avengers franchise across not just one but multiple video game touch points. The Avengers are bigger than just one game, and we’re planning to allow consumers to enjoy The Avengers regardless of their preference in gameplay style or platform. Look for more announcements in the weeks to come.
An Avengers video game had already been in production from THQ but it was canceled following the closure of its developer, THQ Studio Australia.