Batman: Arkham City’s Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC Gets Full Trailer

Rocksteady has released a new, full trailer for the story-based DLC for Batman: Arkham City, Harley Quinn’s Revenge.

The trailer begins with footage of The Joker saying “You left me to die” over and over again on a loop. Then, a voice is heard saying that policemen are missing and that Harley Quinn is likely involved. Commissioner Gordon is then seen telling Batman that some of his police officers were ambushed and were dragged over to the Steel Mill. Batman says he’ll handle it and Gordon asks if Batman is sure, warning him that it could be a trap. Batman is then seen entering a gated area with a banner in front of it that says “Burn In Hell.” He unties a policemen who is tied to a chair and then is ambushed by Harley Quinn, who has a gang of armed henchmen. Quinn goes to shoot the policeman, but Batman jumps in front of him to protect him.

Next, we see Robin, who is told by Oracle that “he” (presumably Batman) has been missing for two days. Robin says that he’ll find him. Gameplay footage is then shown of Robin in combat, including a scene where he uses a grappling hook to draw himself towards a sniper and take him out. Gordon is then shown saying that he wants the site covered and that he doesn’t want Harley Quinn getting out of there. Gameplay footage of both Batman and Robin is then shown. The trailer closes with Harley Quinn being shown with messed-up makeup and saying, “This is for you, Mr. J” before showing the Harley Quinn’s Revenge logo.

To view the trailer, click on the video below:

Harley Quinn’s Revenge will be released for Batman: Arkham City on May 29th. The GOTY Edition of Arkham City releases on the same date and includes all of the DLC, including HQR, as well as a code to download the Batman Year One movie on PSN or Xbox Live.

What do you think of the new trailer? Let us know in the comments!

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