Zen Studios has announced that Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles will be available tomorrow on the PlayStation Network.
On the PS Blog, Zen Studios Managing Director Zsolt Kigyossy announced that four new tables — Fear Itself, Marvel’s The Avengers, World War Hulk, and The Infinity Gauntlet — will all be available as part of the pack’s release on PSN tomorrow (for PS3). Previous tables made by Zen Studios had focused on characters and their personalities, but these tables all focus on storytelling and events in the Marvel Universe. To aid the storytelling, the team recorded more voiceovers than in any previous set of tables, and most of the lines were pulled from the comics — The Infinity Gauntlet is said to have 139 lines pulled directly from the comic series. The World War Hulk table features Hulk one-liners and a cameo from The Punisher as well.
While Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles‘ release date was originally supposed to coincide with that of Zen Pinball 2‘s, but that will not happen, as Zen Pinball 2 is currently experiencing some delays. However, Kigyossy does note that Zen Studios is working “very closely” with Sony to get the game released as soon as possible.
Also, to clarify an earlier report, this pack can be used with Marvel Pinball and is not just for Zen Pinball 2. However, this pack will be compatible with Zen Pinball 2 whenever it releases as well. Zen Pinball 2 will put tables from both Zen Pinball and Marvel Pinball under its roof, upgrading table physics and more. Marvel Pinball will continue to be a standalone game for those who don’t wish to upgrade, though.
To view the “Fear Itself” table trailer, click on the video below:
To view screenshots of Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles, click on the Media Gallery below:

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