Stunning New Screens for Soul Sacrifice Showcase the Power of the Vita

Sony has just released several new screenshots showcasing the gorgeous visuals of SCEJ’s upcoming title Soul Sacrifice.

This hardcore action title not only boasts some of the most stunning visuals we’ve seen on Sony’s handheld, but also an ambitious gameplay experience that forces players to make tough decisions that will ultimately affect the outcome of the game.

Check out images below.

If that isn’t enough, the game will also feature cooperative play, allowing you and a friend to jump in on the action together. PlayStation Vita owners may not have a Monster Hunter title to look forward to right now, but if Soul Sacrifice lives up to its promise, it may just fill that gaping void.

Sony has yet to confirm a solid release date for the title, but as it stands, you can expect Soul Sacrifice to hit stores in the first half of next year. In the meantime, be sure to sound of in the comments below with your thoughts on the game.

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