Microsoft: “Everybody Knows” PS3 “Isn’t as Good of an Entertainment Console” as Xbox 360

Right before Sony had to eat humble pie when the PS3’s launch cost them billions and market dominance, they were criticized for being arrogant and cocky. Now they’re seen as a much more likeable and respectable company that doesn’t tell people to get another job.

Clearly not having learned anything from Sony’s past, Microsoft is now playing the villain. Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business, held a presentation at the D:Dive Into Media conference, where he boasted that the PlayStation 3 “isn’t as good of an entertainment console,” something he thinks “everybody knows.” Lovely. As part of his talk on how the 360 has transitioned “from a gaming console to an entertainment console” (because that’s what every gamer wants) he revealed that 18 billion hours of entertainment have been consumed on Xbox, much of which is from Netflix. Netflix, meanwhile, have said that the PS3 is their most used platform

Across the pond, Microsoft regional boss Jon Grimes has downplayed the importance of next week’s PS4 reveal in an interview with MCV, saying: “Whatever gets announced on February 20th, the majority of UK consumers won’t know.” Ironically, the statement was tied to a message from Grimes and Microsoft attacking the negativity in the UK games industry.

What do you think about Microsoft’s shenanigans? Is the 360 a better entertainment console? Does that even matter? Do you want more Kaz pics? (Of course you do, go here).