Ask PSLS: Which PS4 Game Are You Most Excited to Hear More About at E3 2013?

With E3 starting in less than two weeks, you can expect some event-focused Ask PSLS’s coming up, with this first one all about the PS4: Which PS4 Game Are You Most Excited to Hear More About at E3 2013?

Anthony Severino – Guardian Hero (@Sev_Anthony)

The games I’m most excited to hear more about are the ones I don’t know about. Unannounced games, especially new IP always float my boat a lot more than what we already know or more sequels. The one and only game that’s already announced that I’d be interested in hearing about?… The Last Guardian.

Cameron Teague – The Thief Within (@Cameron_PSLS)

There are two right now that I want to hear more about, though I am really eager to hear about more unannounced games at E3. The two announced games I am most excited to hear more about would be Thief or The Evil Within. I have always really liked the Thief franchise and I am eager to dive back into that world. The Evil Within just looks wicked and insane, which should be a lot of fun.

Chandler Wood – The Wood Within (@FinchStrife)

I’m really excited to hear and see more about the low-profile titles that haven’t seen much light yet. Seconding Cameron’s vote, The Evil Within seems like a really good one to watch, with a game that could bring back that great survival horror feel like the original Dead Space did early in the current gen. I am also eagerly awaiting details on Destiny and its features that reach beyond the game to keep you interacting on smartphones and in browsers. I really can’t wait to see what next-gen is truly capable of, and I think we’ll get a pretty good preview of that at E3.

Dan Oravasaari – Born in the Land of Shadowfell (@FoolsJoker)

The game that I am most looking forward to on the PS4 has to be Killzone: Shadow Fall. Guerrilla Games has always done a great job with Sony hardware and I have big expectations for them on the PS4.

Jason Dunning – Has Hundreds of Doll Hairs (@Jasonad21)

Easily inFamous: Second Son. So far, the PS4’s launch line-up has me underwhelmed when it comes to a true next-gen experience, but if this gets announced for launch, it will make spending those hundreds of dollars this holiday so much easier. I also hope to see a gameplay demo of some sort to understand how Delsin moves when compared to Cole.

Louis Edwards – Carl’s Jr. (@ftwrthtx)

The game I’m looking forward to the most has to be inFamous: Second Son. I’m a huge fan of the series and am looking forward to finding out where the franchise goes and what new moves Cole Jr. will be given. I think this is a question that should be revisited post E3, since we all know more games will be announced.

Sebastian Moss – Bring it Patapon (@SebMoss)

I really can’t wait to hear more about the Patapon TV series.

Which PS4 game are you most excited to hear more about at E3 2013? Let us know in the comments below.

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