The Catch-Up: January 20th, 2014 – Star Wars 1313 Trademark “Abandoned”; Housemarque Working on Resogun DLC, PS4 Project

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  • Back on December 23rd, the Star Wars 1313 trademark was “abandoned because no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice of Allowance was issued.” Considering that the game was cancelled, this isn’t surprising news. [Via 1, 2, Source]
  • Another casualty of the Marvel licensing agreement coming to an end is Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet, which has disappeared for purchase on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Store. If you’re inclined to play the game though, check your local retail store for a copy. [Via 1, 2]
  • As a reminder, Resogun developer Housemarque is currently working on DLC for Resogun and “another PS4 project.” [Source]
  • At least for now, the HBO GO App coming to PS3 and PS4 will only be available in the United States, and not Canada, “based upon HBO’s rights.” I guess winter isn’t coming to Canada… [Source]
  • Sportsfriends was originally supposed to release for the PS3 this month, but in a new update on the Kickstarter page, the developers announced it will be delayed. It shouldn’t be too long of a wait, with the developers saying, “We’re still working hard – and getting very close – but unfortunately we’re going to need some more weeks.” We’ll let you know when a new date is confirmed. [Via, Source]
  • With the OlliOlli North American price confirmed, Roll7 has detailed the UK price as £7.99, with PS+ members getting a launch week discount to £6.39. As for Europe, it will be €9.99, with a launch week discount to €7.99. [Press Release]
  • Since launch in August, Disney announced that Disney Infinity has sold 3 million starter packs. When you look at just December 2013 in the US, the game moved 551,000 units, which was less than the 597,000 Skylanders SWAP Force saw in the same period, according to the NPD. [Via, Source]
  • The Toukiden demo on PS Vita, which is out tomorrow in North America, will take up 996MB and saved data can be transferred into the full game. European gamers can expect the demo on January 29th. [Twitter]
  • The ‘Kill Chirp’ in Killzone: Shadow Fall is now available to download from SoundCloud. [Get It]
  • In what the LittleBigPlanet Twitter account calls “a very early sneaky peek of an upcoming LBP costume,” and the Sucker Punch Twitter account says we should expect before March 21st, this Sackboy Delsin was shown off today [Twitter 1, 2, 3, 4]:
  • Wanting to give you “some sexy” inFamous: Second Son screenshots on this Monday, Chris Owen of PlayStation Europe brought these out today, with Sucker Punch posting one before the football game yesterday [Twitter 1, 2]:

Do you think Star Wars 1313 was unlucky from the start? Let us know in the comments below.


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