PSLS Forum Competitions: Week 1 Results and Trivia Answers

Last week we launched our forums with plenty of competitions for the community to participate in. Now that week one is over, we are here to bring you updates and results on some of those events. Keep in mind that many of them are still going, so come on over to the forums to participate!

Grand Prize Package– Ongoing

This competition is still open. To win some pretty cool PlayStation exclusive stuff (prize list here), all you have to do is participate in the forums and add value with each thing that you post. Start great conversations, give great insight, and most of all, embody the community spirit that we are looking for within  the PSLS forums. Eventually we will update this competition allow users to vote for each other. Additional rules and stipulations will be added at that time, so for now, simply join the forums and have fun!

PSLS Trivia: Round 1Closed, Round 2 opening soon

PSLS Trivia is a four week long competition, involving five questions each week. Unfortunately it appears that we went much too easy on you the first week, as the questions were all correctly answered in less than an hour. We won’t go so easy on you in round two, so be on the lookout for that soon. Congratulations to bigwilybobbily for being our week one winner (sorry PolarBearTC, we were looking for ‘Tretton’ on question five). Here are round one’s questions and answers:

1. In what episode of Morning Wood did D’yani first officially join as a co-host?

Episode 018: Special Couples Edition. At the suggestion of long time viewer Fylian, D’yani joined Chandler for a husband and wife gamer duo talking about games. This added a much needed feminine touch to the site and D’yani has been a mainstay and co-host on Morning Wood ever since, even coming as far as to become a full PSLS staff member. See? Your suggestions really do help shape the site. In fact, Morning Wood was created based on a reader suggestion!

2. What person has been used most in PSLS header images?

Kaz Hirai. “Having been doing a number of unique images for both Bad Gamers and Daily Reaction since its inception, the Kaz images became more of a thing simply because it gave Seb and I something to challenge each other with. We chose him simply because we both love Kaz’s style and ability to rock a suit, as well as a Gandalf wig and beard.” – Dan O.

3. Did PlayStation LifeStyle ever have an Xbox counterpart? If so, what was it called?

Yes. Xbox LifeStyle. A relic of 2009. We don’t talk about it anymore.

4. What is the name of the Hacker who guest starred on a Daily Reaction?

Youness Alaoui, aka KaKaRoTo. Dan O. said about it, “This was one of those moments when I realized why we were so different than many other publications. We didn’t ignore the fact that piracy exists, or try to crucify it, we simply looked for answers and opinions directly from the sources available.” Interestingly  enough, this was not KaKaRoTo’s first time on PSLS, as he had done an interview with Sebastian more than a year earlier, and was quoted in another article in 2012.

5. What was the only non-software winner in PlayStation LifeStyle’s E3 2013 awards?’

Jack Tretton. E3 2013 was a huge one, having a central focus on the impending launch of the new generation of consoles. With so much controversy surrounding the Xbox One and its initial limitations, Sony didn’t hold an punches. Jack Tretton took center stage at Sony’s E3 press conference to deliver exactly the messages that gamers wanted to hear, but never expected to. Having won such a prestigious award from our site this past summer, we can only surmise that he felt his life’s work was accomplished as he recently stepped down from his position as SCEA President and CEO.

Name That GameRounds 1 and 2 closed, future rounds incoming

While round one of Name that Game didn’t finish up quite as fast as the trivia, it still didn’t take users long to figure out that the mystery image was the cover art from 2Xtreme, an extreme sports racing title from the PS1 era. Congratulations to John J for his correct guess. Round two sadly ended much more quickly, with fidel flores correctly guessing the Tomba (or Tombi) Japanese cover art. Everyone seems to be having fun with this one, so we will be continuing to bring you the mystery images. Future ones may challenge you a little bit more than our first two did!

Fan Art Submission Contest– Ongoing

Our fan art submission contest is still open for entry and will be running until March 31st. We have yet to receive any entries, so feel free show your creative side and post your PlayStation related work to the submission thread. Once the submission period is over, we will be holding a vote and the winner will receive a $20 PSN card! In addition to our contest, we will be doing Showcase every Tuesday night, which is a themed fan art feature (stay tuned for some Dark Souls 2 art this Tuesday!). If you have an artistic itch, get it out and have your work featured there, or enter the fan art contest and try to win!

These are just the contests that we launched our forums with and we’ll have many more coming to you in the future, so join the forums, say hi to the staff and community, and stay tuned to PlayStation LifeStyle as we bring you news, features, reviews, and more for your every PlayStation need. You won’t want to miss what we’ve got for you.

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