The Catch-Up: May 14th, 2014 – Borderlands 2 Cross Save Patch Expected on Friday

Fingers crossed!

General News

  • Randy Pitchford isn’t 100% sure, but he’s told that the Borderlands 2 PS Vita/PS3 Cross Save patch will be available to download this Friday on the PS3 version. We’ll let you know if we hear anything more. [Twitter]
  • Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment has been confirmed for release in Europe this July (North America is still 2014) on PS Vita. Bundled together with the PSP’s Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment, this will be a digital only release. [Source]
  • Remember how Irrational Games was shutdown, with Ken Levine starting a new studio to work on smaller games? Well, that new studio might be called Irrational Games! The news comes from Take-Two’s Strauss Zelnick, who also said of the BioShock franchise, “We haven’t talked about what’s going to happen to the franchise, but it’s beloved. BioShock has sold over 5 million units. Today, the franchise is in hands of 2K. More to come in the future.” However, after the story came out, Ken Levine said, “We don’t have a name. Anybody got any ideas?” [Via, Source]
  • At GDC Europe in August, Ninja Theory Co-founder Tameem Antoniades will talk about the studio’s unreleased games, including the sequel to Kung Fu Chaos, footage of an unannounced next-gen game, and various pitches that never went through all the way. [Source]
  • Gamefly has used copies of Knack, Need for Speed: Rivals, and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes on PS4 for $24.99 each. [Via]
  • In case you didn’t know, Telltale’s The Walking Dead series has sold over 28 million episodes worldwide. [Press Release]
  • If you didn’t believe GameStop’s listing, Amazon UK has also listed The Walking Dead Season 1 for PS4 and Xbox One, giving it a release date of Jult 25th. [Via]
  • Both the PS4 and PS Vita versions of Switch Galaxy Ultra are running at 60fps, with the version at 1080p. There still isn’t a release date for the game, but it will include Cross Buy and Cross Saves. [Source]
  • A gigantic May 2014 sale has started in the European PlayStation Store today, featuring over 100 deals. [Check it Out]
  • Patch 1.13 for PES contains adjustments and changes to improve the overall gaming experience and includes preparatory updates to make the game compatible with Data Pack 6.0, which will be released on May 22nd. [Twitter 1, 2, 3]
  • Here’s a few images for Freedom Wars, coming to PS Vita later this year [Source]:

New Videos

  • Loading Human, which has been concept approved for Project Morpheus, received a new video:

  • Nuclear Throne from Vlambeer is still “a few months out” before it finally releases for the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita, but here’s a pre-E3 trailer to tide you over [More Info]:

  • Killzone: Shadow Fall’s free Canyon map is now available to download:

  • Confirmed to include Cross Buy and Cross Saves on PS4 and PS Vita, FuturLab’s Velocity 2X is aiming for a summer 2014 release, with lots of polish needed to be done as the final levels are being designed. 2X will also have the ability to disable the left stick for movement for those who prefer to use the Directional Buttons for controlling Kai and the ship [Source]:

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