Editor’s Letter: Passing of the Torch, Introducing Alex Co as PSLS EIC

As the Founder of PlayStation LifeStyle, ensuring that the site is in good hands is my primary objective. Many editors have come and gone, and over the years, the site has even seen its fair share of Editor-in-Chiefs come and go — me included. Handing over the reins to something you created and have witnessed blossom into the thriving PlayStation-enthusiast destination from its meager beginnings as a personal blog is never easy. But I’m both content and excited to do so today, passing the torch yet again to our new Editor-in-Chief, Alex Co.

It’s under Alex’s rule that I anticipate PlayStation LifeStyle will reach new heights and achieve new milestones. With admiration and respect to you, our loyal audience, I open up the floor to Alex to introduce himself and set the tone for his plans for the site, which include, but are not limited to, around the clock updates, a greater global and social media presence, and more. Please join me in wishing Alex the best of luck, and treat Alex as you have treated myself and the others that have come before him.

PS – The guy’s first week on the job was E3, proving he’s a rockstar already. Seriously.

Hello, PlayStation LifeStylers!

Firstly, I want to thank Anthony for entrusting his pride and joy to me, as well as the staff for giving me a warm welcome. PlayStation LifeStyle has always been a site that I respected, and I’m very excited to be officially part of the team. 

During the next weeks and months, you’ll notice some changes to PSLS, which I hope will be embraced by the community. One of these changes you might notice right away is news. Moving forward, we’ll be expanding our coverage of news.  If it’s relevant to PlayStation gamers, we want you to know about it. At the same time, we’ll also be introducing new features, columns, and other content on various topics that will not only be fun to read, but engage the community more. 

Just in case anyone’s thinking about it, the staff will continue to produce the content you know and love, but with added focus to make sure it’s content that our readers want and deserve. Regardless if you’re a long-time reader at PSLS or just someone who stumbled upon our content, don’t hesitate to let us know what you think. I’m always open to interact with the people who made the site what it is today. So, if you have a suggestion, feedback or even a complaint, shoot me an email or touch base with me on Twitter

Here’s to a bigger, better, more badass PlayStation LifeStyle!


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