Welcome to PlayStation LifeStyle’s “The Soapbox”

Have you ever wanted to write something game-related that you feel strongly about? Maybe a certain issue has blown way out of proportion and you think you have a good argument for it. Whatever the case is, here’s your chance to be heard by millions of gamers around the world.

Not only will voice be heard, but you’ll even get something from us in return! Entering is very simple. All you have to do is pick a subject (anything as long as it’s game-related), send us a well written write-up to “tips@playstationlifestyle.net” and we’ll pick the best one as the winner. 

Entries should be sent in no later than September 1st, with the subject “The Soapbox Entry.” Don’t forget to put a headline for your submitted piece, as well as include your PSN ID, forum handle, Twitter and/or real name to appear in the post. 

So, what are you waiting for? Go write up whatever’s buzzing in your head, send it in and win something from us!